Dream bit his lip as his head lightly throbbed. He kept silent as Tommy said something else, his hands twisting around each other and squeezing together nervously.

"I fell in that pond," He muttered suddenly, his voice was hoarse and shaky. Tommy eyed him nervously for a moment before speaking up again.

"When you walked over there today?"

"No, in my memory," He whispered. His covered eyes stared blankly ahead as if he could see the far away building right in from of him.

Tommy licked his lips nervously and breathed in deeply through his nose. This wasn't exactly what he'd planned on dealing with today but if there was anything he was good at it was rolling with punches. He'd learned to do so a while back and it seemed to have thankfully stuck with him till now.

"What did you remember?" He finally asked. Dream didn't seem to have heard him or at least gave no signal to let Tommy know he did but before Tommy could repeat himself Dream looked in his direction. The words died in his throat as Tommy waited anxiously for the masked male to speak up. He tried not to think much about how vulnerable he felt under the gaze of Dream's mask and met his gaze as confidently as he could muster.

"It was weird," Dream eventually settled on and turned back to the lands below them, letting his legs dangle over the tower's edge. "I think it was when I made this server," A disbelieving laugh left him as he shook his head. "I didn't expect to have been the one who made this world," He admitted and Tommy nodded distractedly.

"What was it like?" Tommy found himself asking. Dream opened his mouth but closed it with a small hum as he thought the question over. He tilted his head slightly as he moved to answer again.

"Scary," Tommy blinked in surprise at the answer but it didn't seem like Dream was finished. "I was scared I'd mess up the process but they told me I could do it," Dream continued.

"Who did?" Tommy knew the answer but asked anyway, he tried to convince himself it was to only figure out what Dream truly remembered. Dream paused again and drummed his finger aimlessly on his thighs as he racked his brain for an answer.

"I think it was people I saw at the building earlier," He admitted and Tommy nodded again. "I looked at them and that's when I remembered," Dream explained.

"And then you panicked?"

"No, that was before I saw them," Tommy was still taken aback by the easy admission to vulnerability and didn't think he'd get used to it for a good while.

"Well then, why'd you get upset in the first place?" Tommy inquired as he side-eyed the other with furrowed brows. Dream's shoulders rose to his ears. Tommy wanted to overlook this, he wasn't good with this kind of shit! But he knew it would bite him in the backside later on if he ignored it now. "Dream?" He prompted as gently as he could hoping his intent came across in his voice.

Dream sighed and dropped his face into his hands with a miserable sigh, his hands moved to run through his hair as he sat up again.

"It feels so weird and.. wrong, I guess?" Dream sighed again and shook his head weakly. "I get these weird bouts of emotions but they're so random and strange it feels like they aren't really from me," He said with a shaky gesture to his chest. Tommy's eyes narrowed at his words but he stayed silent as the other spoke further. "It's like it's all coming from someone else entirely but I know they're my emotions and thoughts but without the context, it all seems so out of place and crazy..." He trailed off and turned his head to gaze out on the hills. He pulled his legs close and rested his chin atop his knees.

"I was so scared of screwing up this world and they were there for me but when I see them I-" He cut himself off and cleared his throat noisily. Tommy, noticing the rise in emotions turned away to give the other some privacy and directed his eyes to the large pond New L'Manburg hovered over.

An Abandoned Dream (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now