My nostrils flared and I took a huge breath before replying. "Very well." Saying this, I stood up, picked up my handbag, placed my share of bill on the table and walked out of the cafe. The whole time, I felt his gaze piercing holes on me, making me nervous.


Next day, both families were gathered in the lounge once again. Mom had forced me to wear a feminine pink Shalwar kameez and asked Maheen to do my makeup, ignoring my protests.

"This is all happening because of Faaris. God, I want to kill him." I said while Maheen combed my hair.

"Come on Aapi, you know Faaris Bhai is a secure choice. You could have been getting married to someone way worse." Maheen said.

"Worse than Usama's brother?" I glared at her.

"Yes, someone who would never understand your pain and hearing Usama Bhai's name will probably bruise his ego. At least Faaris Bhai can share your pain." She said.

"Yeah right. He is made of stone, haven't you figured it out?" I replied.

"Don't say that, woman. He is going to be your husband soon." Maheen said and I huffed childishly.

The thing is, I haven't tried to find something good in this relationship since yesterday because it felt like a crime. In the back of my mind, I knew Faaris was an appropriate choice but my heart didn't want to accept that, not right now at least.

"Let's go." Maheen said.

Setting the embroidered dopatta on my shoulder, I slipped into my sandals and walked out of my room. Inside the lounge, everyone was busy discussing about us while Faaris didn't look at all interested in participating. He was just sitting in the middle of Papa and Uncle, staring at the marbled floor with his head bowed.

His head finally lifted when he heard us approaching and an unknown expression fleeted through his eyes. Moving my eyes off him to avoid getting caught, I walked over towards Dado and sat down beside her.

"So Noor, we were thinking about taking you with us as soon as possible, only if you agree." Aunty said. I had no other option than smile and act like a perfect, shy bride-to-be.

"Humayun suggested that you could move with them after marriage on temporary visa, until you get the permanent one. I have a friend in Embassy and he will help us with it." Papa said.

I had thought that I still had time because it will take minimum six months to get visa but apparently, the Shah family had another plans. I looked at Faaris for help who didn't even cast a glance towards me, let alone interpret my pleading glances.

He was a stark contrast from Usama, who couldn't take his eyes off me whenever he was around me. I was the one who had to glare at him so he could look away before getting caught.

"Sounds like a perfect plan." I whispered.

"We were thinking, three weeks from now? If it isn't too soon. It will give us enough time to prepare for the Nikaah and Rukhsati." Uncle Humayun added and my breath hitched.

No, It's going too fast. Somebody please stop this nonsense once and for all.

"What do you think Faaris?" Mama asked him.

"If Noor agrees to it, I don't have any issue." He said and everyone else aww-ed. Everyone except me, because I knew what I want doesn't matter to him. If it did, he won't have agreed to this.

"Noor?" The focus of the conversation shifted to me.

"Um..." No! Please no! Don't make me move away with Faaris. We will never be happy. "It's fine by me."

A celebration broke into the lounge at this and Mama went to bring the Gulaab Jamun. I got fed six of those, one by each person in the room, until the sweetness started to nauseate me.

Soon after, I excused myself and made my way to the kitchen to hide myself from everyone. It was overwhelming for me, the idea of getting married to someone other than Usama in three weeks. I knew it was bound to happen but it doesn't mean it wasn't hard. I had imagined my whole life around me and now moving on without him, it was a torture.

I was leaning against the counter when I heard sound of footsteps coming towards the kitchen. I aligned myself in front of the refrigerator to act like I was finding something, to avoid explaining why I was standing here alone.

The footsteps got closer, and closer, until they stopped by my side. "Noor." It was Faaris' deep voice.

"Yes?" I shut the door of refrigerator and turned to face him.

He had his hands pushed inside his pants pocket and with his tall height, he was easily towering over me. "I... Actually, I wanted to apologize for yesterday."

I stilled in my spot because that's the last thing I had expected him to say. He doesn't look like someone who would admit his mistake or apologize for them.

"I was unnecessarily rude. Pardon me." He said, staring deep into my eyes. I've never noticed it before but he had beautiful eyes; perfect almond shaped and just as dark as his unruly hair. Why am I noticing these things about him anyway?

"It's okay." I said and turned around to look busy.

"We are getting married, whether we want it or not. Being empathetic towards each other would make it a little more bearable." He said, stressing once again over this fact that he didn't want to marry me.

"I'll try, if you will." I said in a low voice.

"I will." He said.

"Great." I angled my neck to look at him.

"Great." He repeated and then waited for a minute or two, maybe expecting me to speak something. When I didn't, he sighed and walked out of the kitchen.


Anybody excited for their wedding?

P.s: I don't know how visa process works so I'm going to take some liberty here. :P


Aapi: elder sister
Gulaab Jamun: round sweet balls made of flour and milk that are deep fried and dipped into sugary water. Often eaten here on a happy occasion.

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