"But it's a car ad?" Daisy said

Heather shrugged "apparently there's a script that he thinks Charlie and Kyra would be perfect for so that's why he cancelled it"

Daisy nodded "but what about Julie and the phantoms, I don't think Charlie could do two projects at once?"

Heather sighed "we'll take a look at the script first and then see if we want Charlie to be in it"

Daisy nodded

Heather looked up at Daisy "call Charlie, and tell him to let Kyra know that I want to talk to them about something"

Daisy nodded "sure"

Daisy left the office and walked back to her desk and looked at her cellphone and picked it up to call Charlie, but immediately put it down.

"No" she thought to herself "calling him through my personal phone isn't professional" she picked up her desk phone and dialled Charlie's number.

After a couple rings he finally answered.

"Hello?" Charlie said

"Hi, this is Daisy" She said with a confident tone "Heather's assistant"

Charlie chuckled on the other line "I know who you are assistant girl"

"Right" she said "anyway I was calling-"

"Wait" Charlie interrupted "why didn't you just call me from your cell, did something happen to your phone?" He laughed

"Nothing happened to my phone" she said "anyway, uh Heather wants you and Kyra to come in today for a meeting"

"Oh cool, what about?" He asked

"You'll find out when you get here"

"Okay, anyway where did you go last night I looked for you but couldn't find you anywhere"

'I told you I wanted to leave' she thought to herself "I wanted to leave but wanted you to have fun" she said and before he could answer "oh looks like someone is calling the other line, gotta go" and with that she hung up.

Daisy sighed, she didn't mean to sound rude to him and hope he didn't pick up on it.

An hour later while sitting at her desk Daisy noticed Charlie and Kyra walking in the lobby together and heading towards Heathers office. Charlie glanced at Daisy and waved and, she immediately turned away and pretended to type something on her computer. When she looked back a couple seconds later they were both gone.

She let go of a breath that she didn't even know she was holding in.

At least she didn't have to attend today's meeting.

An hour later, Heather was sitting in her office with Charlie and Kyra when Daisy walked in to give them some waters.

"So" Heather began speaking "I read over the script, but before I give my opinion I want to know what you guys think of it"

"I love it" said Kyra with a bright smile. "The part where it says my character wears a fabulous red gown, ugh literally can't wait"

Heather nodded at her then looked over at Charlie "what about you?"

"Uhh" Charlie looked at Heather "I don't really know" he said "you're my manager... what do you think"

"I don't think it's meant for you Charlie, but if you wanna do it, I'm totally fine with it." She sighed "but it's not interesting, and I feel a much better role could come for you"

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