"What? That doesn't make any sense. How could you have known? if you weren't there then how would you know what happened?" He said

"That's what I've been trying to figure out. Something's missing from the bigger picture" You concluded

Tanjiro paused, thinking it over

"I'm sure you've already realized this, but these rumors are really proving to be dangerous. This seems to be fueled by more than just a simple dispute."

You nod "I agree. I get the feeling that someone did this on purpose--Ume even said it herself that she 'found out' I hated her. I would never say that."

He looks off to the side "Definitely something shady going on..."

He then stands up, extending a hand towards you 

"You're not going to get ahead while you're missing crucial parts of the story like this"

Your eyes meet. It seems cliche to you, but to him, it's very serious

"I don't really know what all of this is about, but I trust you. I'm going to help you figure it out." 

You raise your hand, letting it hover over his

This is what I want more than anything...but if he gets hurt by getting involved, I'll never forgive myself

You swallow hard

"and if it means anything at all," Tanjiro adds "you shouldn't worry about me. I'm no stranger to the feeling of being an outsider."

WHAT THE?! CAN HE READ MY MIND?? I'm never thinking around him again

You clasp his hand in your own, letting his arm support you while you stand. Your hand felt so comfortable in his, you were reluctant to take it back

"You've been good to everyone in your life. You deserve much better" 

You can feel tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. 

I do?

It hurts to hold them back, so you discretely wiped them with your sleeve

"Thanks, Tanjiro. I promise I'll pay you back when this is all over" You said, your voice coming out as a whisper

"No need" Tanjiro replied

"Wha?! IMPOSSIBLE. There has to be something you want in return for all the trouble" You insist 

Nezuko is sitting on top of Uzui's desk swinging her legs, watching the two of you with keen interest

"Nothing! I swear" He puts his hands up 

"LIAR." You huffed, crossing your arms "everyone wants something out of the things they do. If you can even manage to find out who did this, much less pick up the pieces of my reputation...I would do anything."

"Anything?" He echoes, his eyes lighting up

"Anything." You nodded sharply

"...There is something, actually." He sits down on a nearby desk 

You tilt your head, watching him carefully "Well, what is it?"

"It's a surprise" He shrugs "I'm going to wait for the right moment."

You sniffled, laughing into your sleeve as you sat on the desk beside him "Well, when you say that, I'm gonna assume it's weird."

"NO! No!! I promise it's nothing perverse" Tanjiro says frantically, earning another laugh from you "Damn it, I should've been more specific..."

"Relax, I'm not scared of you" You sigh, a smile lingering on your face "I'm just joking"

"I would hope not. I saved your life" Tanjiro raised an eyebrow at you

"oh please!" You grin, leaning towards him "I would never be afraid of the guy who can't throw a dodgeball!"

"HEY," He says, hiding a smile "no need to remind me"

Just as the two of you started laughing together, the bell rang and interrupted the fun

Nezuko hops off of the teacher's desk, waving before running off into the hall

"I guess that means we should go before Mr. Uzui kicks our asses" You whisper, hopping to your feet in an instant

"Couldn't agree more" Tanjiro said, following you out of the room

At the end of the school day, you were alone, but you didn't feel lonely anymore

What's more is that just before you left art class, Tanjiro added you to a group chat with him and Nezuko

so, this would be a much easier way to communicate with both of them, without neglecting her.

As you strode nonchalantly on your way home, you daydreamed about finally getting to lay down on the bed and sleep in for the weekend

Looking at the sunset, you can just tell it's going to be an interesting night

You were jolted out of your thoughts when your phone buzzed in your pocket, and you pulled it out with a groan.

Oh! It's just Makomo  You thought, pressing the accept call button

"(Y/n). Where did you and the new boy go during lunch?" Makomo asks suddenly

You blinked, adjusting your backpack straps in discomfort "We...just went inside. Why?"

"And left me? I was coming back, I had to go to the bathroom"

You winced Oh--

"Shit, I'm sorry Makomo. I didn't know" 

"I just feel---and that you've gone---you should---" Makomo starts to talk, but her voice is cutting in and out on the phone

When you looked up from your phone, you realized you were in a part of the neighborhood you didn't typically travel through

"Makomo, my cell service is really bad right now. Please just text me" You interrupt

Makomo started to talk again, but the call dropped

"Oh no, come on are you serious?!" You whisper, shoving your phone into your backpack with a sigh

The main reason you never really come by these parts is that it's so dark, and the sidewalk is full of divots and cracks which make it much harder to skate over

Moreover, you realize, Ume and Gyutaruu live here

"If I run into those two again I swear I'm gonna kill myself" You groaned

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