Chapter 14

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This chapter is the same day just from different POVs that's why Harry, Mazy and Bries outfits are the same :) Also don't give me grief, Larry, Ziall and Bazy (Brie and Mazy, yes I made it up) are all hanging out on the same day, we're just gonna pretend it's a coincidence, I just felt like writing something fluffy. :)

Mazy's POV-

Something was going on with her, and I knew there was. She was hiding something and I guessed she wasn't going to be telling me anytime soon. I just hoped she trusted me enough to tell me. But if she wasn't I was fine with that, as long as she told me eventually. 

Zayn's POV- 

I was lying on my bed, when I realised I was bored as heck. Seeing as Louis was out with Harry and Liam was being boring,(at a meeting with management) I decided to text Niall and ask if he wanted to hang out. It was worth a try, wasn't it?

Zayn- Hey Niall, wanna hang out?

I quickly sat up and jumped of the bed, pacing around the room. 

Niall- Why not, any plans? 

Zayn- Um, we could go to the movies or something 

Niall- Sounds good, do you want me to pick you up?

Zayn- That would be good, I'll meet you outside, at maybe 11, that gives us an hour to get ready

Niall- No problem, I'll pick you then

I put my phone down and sat down on my bed. Now that I'd made plans with Niall for in an hour, I needed to find something to do while I waited. I decided to start getting ready seeing as I could just wait once I was ready. I picked my phone back up and walked into the bathroom. Might as well start with a shower.

 I pulled out my Spotify and played my shower playlist and turned it on. It only had a few songs on it so I didn't spend an hour in the shower. I stepped into the shower and turned on the water. 

Maybe about 30 minutes later, and like 10 songs I decided to get out of the shower. I walked over to my closet and pulled out the clothes I wanted to wear. 

Once I had done my hair and got dressed I checked my phone for the time, completely ignoring the clock I had on the wall. I was shocked when I saw the time, it was already 10:45. 15 minutes until Niall was supposed to arrive. I quickly brushed my teeth and chucked my wallet and a bottle of water into a bag and sat down on my couch. Pulled out Twitter and saw I was being tagged a lot. I clicked on the most recent one and to saw I was shocked, would be understatement. Zayn Malik's death was trending worldwide.  

What the? I clicked on one of the websites that had written a story on it and read it through. 

'After 20 amazing years, pop star, Zayn Malik, has unfortunately passed.
 It's still unknown how this came about. His two friends, Liam Payne, and Louis Tomlinson were both out of town when this tragedy struck.We all feel for his family and friends who are all very upset. His family and friends are still yet to make a statement on Zayn's death, but we are assuming it's because of how sad they must all be.
The presumed date of death was September 12, at around 12 pm.
Rest In Peace Zayn, and God bless all your family.'

Um what? I was very much still alive and my family hadn't made a statement because I wasn't dead. According to this story I died six days ago, which was a week after I flew out to Holmes Chapel to surprise the boys, who were trying to fix Louis's love life. I clicked back onto to Twitter to tweet saying I was in fact, not dead.

'Zayn (@zaynmalik)-  I've just come on here to say I'm not dead, as some of you think. I didn't die, I'm just on holiday with Louis and Liam. An before you ask, I'm not Simon saying I'm not dead so you won't worry, it is actually me. I'm sorry to any of you who thought I was actually dead and got really upset. No need to worry, I'm still alive. I repeat, still 100% alive.'

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