percy gets mad

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"Percy! Snap out of it!" Jason yelled, breaking him out of his trance.

"Huh?" Percy said.

"Seaweed Brain," Annabeth rolled her eyes in exasperation, "I asked you if you can remember anything from the Brooklyn Bridge?"

He paled and started stuttering, "Oh, well, not really. I mean, it was pretty dark...and loud."

Tony scoffed, "How would the kid know anything about what happened there?"

Annabeth scowled and directed her icy gaze at Tony, "He saved it, you βλάκας."

"Annabeth, it's fine," Percy assured, "I do remember something, anyways. The mor–bomber was talking about how the people were blind to the truth. And it was a normal guy with the bomb."

"Blind to what truth, though?" Bruce sighed, rubbing his forehead.

The demigods shared a look. This investigation was already testing their ability to keep the secret.

"No idea..." Jason lied.

The Avengers didn't look believing, but they kept silent.

Tony clapped his hands, "Welp! Nice chat! Let's revisit this later, m'kay? The kids can go get settled now, anyway."

Piper said, "We're not kids!", at the same time Annabeth protested, "We're not staying here!"

"We're a team, for now. We need to get used to each other if we're gonna be effective in battle. And we don't have any way of contacting you otherwise," Steve pointed out.

"But we have lives!" Percy insisted.

He knew his mom would freak if she found out he was staying with the Avengers. In her eyes, they only brought trouble, and he had enough of that as it was.

"Sorry, kid. This isn't a debate. You're staying here," Clint declared, clapping Percy on the shoulder as he walked out.

Percy got up and was about to protest when Annabeth stood and whispered in his ear, "Perce. Calm down. It's fine. We'll just call Sally and tell her what's going on. We don't want to cause a scene."

She gave him a pointed look before glancing over at the water dispenser in the corner, which was currently shaking around like it was in the center of an earthquake. Percy's shoulders sagged in defeat, and he walked out without another word.

The rest of the demigods followed silently, having been in a situation like this before. None of them knew what had happened down in Tartarus, but they did know it did something to Percy and Annabeth's heads. They weren't the same people when they came back, and that was to be expected, but it was different.

The Seven knew they were keeping a secret from them, but they didn't want to push them, so they never asked. All they could figure out was that it had something to do with Percy's powers. He had avoided using them, when he used to use them for everyday tasks like washing the dishes.

"Where are we going?" Leo asked when he realized nobody knew where they were headed, only that they were following Percy's purposeful strides.

"The pool," Annabeth answered, reading her boyfriend's mood.

The only way to calm him down when he got like this was water. He had sensed the pool and immediately been drawn to it. Plus, with the money Tony Stark had, the pool had to be incredible.

Percy wasn't angry at anyone, though it could be perceived that way. He was mad at himself. In Annabeth's opinion, he had done nothing wrong, but Percy was still disappointed with himself. He had lost control, even in just a small way. That was his fault. It shouldn't have been happening.

Percy Jackson & The Avengers: ConvergenceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz