Why her? What did she do that was so wrong? 

Still, to this day, I wished they killed my father, then I wouldn't be in this situation right now. Mamma wouldn't be a part of the earth, my brothers would mildly like me, my father wouldn't be an issue, the Armani's would've left us alone, I wouldn't be set on suicide missions, Mamma's mother would've taken us in, we could've gotten out of the mafia before it got this bad. 

Obviously, fate had other plans, and if I ever get to meet whatever entity fate may be, I will do her a personal favor by settling with only a roundhouse kick to the ass. 

I punched in the code on the door, pleading with the air around me to fill with the click of submission. Once the door was unlocked, I pushed it open softly and poked my head through. It was closed, only light from the second-floor hallway lamp illuminating a soft glow through the large room. 

I shut the door behind me and made a silent beeline towards the storage supply room for the drinks, praying that no one would jump out from behind the bar. 

What is this, Zhara? Criminal Minds?

I scoffed quietly at my thoughts and unlocked the metal door, checking over my shoulder all the time. They would probably see this on the cameras, but I will be long gone by the time they can trace me. 

The door behind me shuts as I step inside, slightly making me jump. I hurry over to the last shelf of alcohol, trying to keep my footsteps silent. I push the shelf out just barely, being gentle so the entire shelf doesn't go crashing down. 

I smile to myself when I see the tampered vent for airflow behind the shelf, quickly reaching for my earring. I twist the pointy part of the gem inside the screw, trying to contain my laughter at the two-hundred-dollar diamond being used as a screwdriver. The screw falls out eventually, mixing itself with the dust and darkness of the floor. 

I know I'm not getting that thing back. 

I put my earring back in its place in my lobe, trying not to mess up my other piercings. Yes, I know, I'm one of those girls. 5 piercings on each ear, mate, and more to come. 

I pull the side of the vent that is unscrewed open, slightly breaking the other side as the little pouch comes into view. I slide my hand between the opening and grab the pouch, a little victory dance playing itself out in my head. 

Father, your stealth training came in handy...

I shut the vent and push the shelf back, then check to make sure the five-grand is still intact. Seeing the insane amount of my savings in the bag, I zip it up quickly and shove it into my duffel, closing it securely. 

I make my way back towards the closet door and take a deep breath before twisting the knob and pulling it open. The creak of the door has me cringing as I hurriedly shut it, stepping out from behind the bar counter. 


I swear I about shit my pants. 

With my heart in my throat, I jump around quickly, grabbing the first thing in sight and holding it up above my head, ready to strike. 

The confused look in the green-eyed man is what stops my attack. 

With a long sigh of relief, I put the...plunger...down back where I got it. 

"You scared the shit out of me, Flynn. What are you doing here?" I ask, tilting my head at the green-eyed idiot as I plant my hands on my hips. 

"I had nightshift tonight. Now what are you doing here at," he checked his watch, "3 am?"

Live For It Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang