Chapter Forty Five

Start from the beginning

"Are you coming? I'd have thought you'd be keen to avoid going back to the Isle for now since Mal's little gang is probably out for your blood?" Audrey asked, looking over her shoulder as she turned to leave causing Freddy to smirk.

"I must admit, I'm not particularly fond of witches," he said as he slowly rose to his feet to walk out of the cell. He was stiff and so it took longer than he was happy to admit but he finally got there. "But for one as exquisite as you, I'll be willing to make an exception."

"Help me get revenge on Mal, I'll make sure you have all the witches you want," Audrey told him, growling slightly as her grip on her scepter tightened.

Freddy chuckled. "Anyone who's not an ally to Mal is an ally of mine," he told her. "Even if they do dabble in magic."

"How else are we to best Mal? Hopes and dreams? You've proven swords don't exactly work on dragons after all," Audrey scoffed but gave Freddy a flirtatious little smirk. As if to let him know that she was only joking, that she meant no ill will. "By the way, I found these in a bag in a closet down the hall. I suspect they were going to throw them out, or worse let Evie use them as practice material, but I thought you'd want them more."

Freddy opened the bag to see his old clothes, the clothes he had stripped off in order to don King Beastie Jr.'s suit. The suit he was still wearing, sans the Beast crest that Jay had so kindly cut off.

"You've no right to wear that," he growled as he finished the job. Now all that remained were pathetic little threads, clinging to the grey fabric for dear life. Not that he particularly wanted to wear the crest of the family who unfairly imprisoned his father and forced him to be kept in captivity like a caged animal.

The light golden threads oddly enough reminded him of Brooke and her blonde hair before going on to the other Angels. Briefly he wondered if Claudine was leading them in revenge against the Rats for Mal's attack on him. After all, an eye for an eye was one of the many mottos around the Isle. Henry or Harriet would have to be their target, or maybe they'd pick off one of the younger members.

"You know Jay, if you gave in and had a fling once in a while, you wouldn't be so tense," Freddy smirked, pulling himself out of his thoughts so Jay wouldn't catch him unawares. It was always so easy to get a rise out of the Rats, they were so emotionally attached to each other. It'd be pathetic if it wasn't so amusing. "Or are you tense because you and Hook are having a lover's spat? You two did seem quite close when we all were on the Isle."

Jay shook his head as he turned to leave. "You're trying to bait me so I'll punch you. It won't work, no matter how tempting it may be. But enjoy the cell."

"I'll get out at some point! And then you and your little witch of a leader will regret this!"

"Freddy, you're the one who decided to attack Auradon without backup," Jay said as he walked out of the cell, closing the door behind him and making sure it closed tightly so there was no chance in Freddy escaping. "The only thing I regret is not killing you back when we were kids. The day you pushed Mal into the Cove."

"And he shall smite the—."

"Yeah, yeah, fiery depths, blah blah blah, watery depths are more appropriate, blah blah blah, joke about Mal being a witch, blah blah blah," Jay shook his head. "Honestly, you're like a broken record. No wonder the Angels are a joke. No matter what you all do, you can never escape the number two spot and you never will."

"Was I a joke when I escaped the Isle?" Freddy smirked. "Oh that's right, your precious Rats were too distracted to even realize I'd gotten off the Isle. God, you'd think after fourteen years, Ryan would have been used to seeing a dead body but he hollered and carried on like he'd been raised here in Boreadon. Some pirate. I didn't think he was that weak."

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