Chapter 5

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We landed by Sack's tower. I was pushed off the helicopter, and landed with a thud on the ground. They pushed me over to a railing.

"What are you gonna do? Kill me, cause I'm pretty sure you need me for my blood," I said to Sacks.

"No, we're gonna take a blood sample here, then give you a front row seat of New York's downfall," Sacks said.

Two scientist came over and stuck a needle thing in my arm. My blood filled three blood bags. That's three pint of my blood gone, which isn't really that good. I started feeling lightheaded.

"Hey, Victoria! You ok?" Leo asks me over my earpiece.

"Huh? Oh-yeah," I said,"Hey Donnie is having three pints of blood taken out of ya bad?" My voice sounded pretty dumb like.

"Oh no," I heard Donnie say,"the average adult human body contains 8-12 pints of blood, and having that much taken can cause weakness and fatigue ness, or in extreme cases...death."

"Victoria where are you?" April asked panicked.

"Well, I'm on top of a building, and there's a samurai guy at this computer thing," I respond,"oh, April if you're going after Sacks, um, he has my blood."

"We better hurry, or else she'll most likely not make it," Donnie said.

"You guys better hurry, samurai guy is coming towards me," I said frantically.

"Ok, don't say a word about us!" Leo demands.

"I don't take orders from you! I won't say anything because I want to!" I state as a matter of factly.

I hear Leo sigh. Samurai guy comes over. He looks at me, I stare back.

"It could've been better," he says,"you could have been in charge of you're own army."

"Well, if it meant being close to thanks," I stated happily.

Then he went back to his computer thing. I heard guns fire through the earpiece.

"That doesn't sound good," I commented.

"Yeah, Donnie led us the wrong way," Mikey said.

"Oh, what are you guys trying to find?"

"The elevator."

"Why not take the stairs?"

"That's so far!"

"Mikey! Give me the radio thing back!" I heard Leo say.

I hear the ding of an elevator. They didn't turn off the radio so I could easily hear them. Then I hear a beat starting. "MC Mikey!". Pretty soon the others join in.

"Guys!" They stopped.

"Yeah?" They all said in unison.


"Yes," Mikey responded.

The elevator dinged. They ran out yelling. I rolled my eyes. Then made the mistake of looking over my shoulder and down at the streets below.

"Woah..." I said shaking my head. I got really dizzy.

"Victoria!" Mikey yelled.

"I'm here!" I yelled back.

They turned around. I smiled weakly, then closed my eyes as the dizziness came back.

"Mikey, still got one in the tank?" Raph asked.

"The thing you told me never to say?" Mikey asked.

"Yeah, well forget that," Raph responded, "Donnie free Victoria."

Victoria in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014Where stories live. Discover now