"I personally am rooting for the Seagulls, so Jung Wooseok better pull off a miracle! I placed a bet on them and if they lose, let's just say I lose my house. If they don't win I am ultimately screwed and not for better, for worse." The blond awkwardly chuckled as he nudged his partner with an elbow. The latter announcer looked to be irritated by the blond seeing as Minho provided no relevant information about the players on the field at all. He should have known better than to trust Minho with memorizing the statistics for the seagulls' players.

If you wanted something done right, doing it yourself was the right path to take. That thought bounced around Kibum's mind as Minho handed the microphone to him with a bright smile, as if losing his house wasn't at all a major concern to him. "Back to you Kibum!"

"Looks like the pitcher is winding up his swing, he's getting ready to pitch that curveball of his. Will this be it for the Seagulls, or will they prevail once again. Looks like we're about to find out because there that pitch is, and what's this-" Kibum gasped at the sound of a wooden bat colliding with the strong pitch of the opposing team's pitcher.

The crowd shrieked as the ball met with the bat and rushed into the sky, zooming at a speed unknown to the average person who wasn't a baseball player. Jeonghan's eyes lit up as he spotted the ball flying across the field, right over one of the stands and into a crowd near the left field. Of course he grew envious of the person among the crowd who stood up with proud battle scars on their face to brag about catching the winning home run.

The base runners all let out breaths of relief as they realized that their star player had just hit a smashing home run, winning them the game and allowing them to qualify for the championship matches! They all ran across the field to catch Jung Wooseok in hearty hugs while the people in the stands cried out with great excitement. Some dedicated fans even went as far as to cry about the win, which was where Jeonghan came in as he screeched and jumped up and down in celebration of what his father had just accomplished.

"And there we have it folks! Jung Wooseok, king of batting, has done it again! The Seagulls are going to the championships! The Seagulls are-"

"Hell fucking yeah I get to keep my house!!" Kibum stared at Minho blankly as the blond stood up and began to swing his headset around out of pure joy. The blond announcer hadn't even realized what he was doing until he met with the intense glare of his partner who looked to be unimpressed by his immature actions for the tenth time that evening. The two really were complete opposites. Kibum knew he should have thought twice before agreeing to partner up to work with the blond announcer. Something in his gut told him he was going to be stuck with Minho for a while. "I mean yeah guys! Let's go Seagulls! Woo! Team spirit hell yeah!"

Jeonghan looked down on the field to see his father being smacked down by the other members of the professional team. They had all gotten so excited over the win that they had to resort to physical violence, since they couldn't contain their feelings of joy any longer. In response to this, Jeonghan grinned with great pride in his heart. It really looked like his dad was having the time of his life. Just for a minute Jeonghan tried to picture what it would be like to be like his father, having a large audience on his side and a team of his own to fall back on. 


"You looked so cool dad, you hit the home run and then scored four points and won the game!" Jeonghan ran to meet his father in a hug as the family of three met in the parking lot. Jeonghan's mother watched admirably as her son was engulfed in her husband's arms. It didn't matter if she wasn't his first priority, only because she knew that in her husband's heart their son would always come first, right before baseball of course.

"You mean a grand slam? That's what you call it when the bases are loaded and the batter hits a home run." The older laughed as Jeonghan nodded into their hug. He ruffled his son's dark brown hair gently, since he was sore from the game they had just played, without losing the wide grin on his face. His son reminded him so much of himself in his days of youth, and of course that included their identical shades of dark brown hair and their nearly identical crooked smiles (it was nearly identical, except Wooseok had lots of wrinkles whereas Jeonghan had none at all). "I guess I was pretty cool though, wasn't I kiddo?"

"I want to be just like you when I grow up dad!" Jeonghan threw a fist into the air for his dad to fist bump in response. The passion in Jeonghan's eyes brought back some past memories for him, when he was a young boy watching intense baseball games from the stands above. The older baseball player sighed contently at his son; Wooseok never had a parental figure to guide him in his baseball career, so he considered himself honored to have a son to potentially pass down his legacy to. He just hoped Jeonghan had what it took to make it big in the baseball industry although being related to him already gave the seven year old quite the advantage.

Jeonghan already had the same strong gaze in his eyes, one that Wooseok just knew embodied the emotions he once felt as a young and becoming baseball rookie. There was no reason why Jeonghan couldn't accomplish as much as he did, if not more.

“Is that so?" The seven year old nodded quickly, eating up every word his father spoke while his mother stood motionless by the two. She followed as they began to make their way to their black car where their personal driver stood, ready to greet the family and escort them home.

She softly smiled as her husband chuckled mischievously at their son, recognizing immediately where Jeonghan had gotten the playful aspects of his unique personality from, from the way her husband grinned cheesily at their son. However, she felt a striking feeling in her heart knowing that her husband's eyes weren't at all on her. “We'd better get started with your training then kiddo. Last one to the car is a rotten baseball player!"

Jeonghan smiled and raced off to the black car, with his father hot on his tail. The younger brunet turned to see if he beat his dad to the car, which was when Wooseok picked up his son and threw him over his shoulder, making the seven year old gleefully laugh in response.

The family of three gleamed as they entered the car with bright moods and headed home to celebrate Wooseok's win of the night, showing that during this exact moment in time all was well between them. Oh was there a lot in store for the young seven year in the far future, oh indeed.

= = =

ittle note here: this ff is set in the same au as my junshua fic, so it'll have basically the same characters with the addition of some new ones. you don't have to read the junshua fic before this one tho, but if you do or did read it ty!!

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