'What if they got lost?'

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"It's been two hours..." Lucy frowned. Harvey looked up from the sofa he was sat on. He was just as anxious as Lucy, but he couldn't show it, he had to be strong.

"We are in the middle of the woods. It's gonna take them some time to find a shop."

"What if they got lost?"


"What if they got lost... in the woods. And they are trying to call us but they have no signal so they can't get through..." Lucy rambled.

"Lucy." Harvey softly said.

"...and me and you will be stuck in here until we can't take the hunger anymore so we have to go out ourselves..."

"Lucy!" Harvey raised his voice a little.

"...and then we get lost or get chased and then we die-"

"LUCY!" Harvey shouted. Lucy's rambling halted into a quiet whisper. Tears were in her eyes, threatening to spill. Harvey looked at her sympathetically, getting up to sit next to her.

"Hey..." Harvey whispered, just centermetres from her lips. "...it's going to be okay." Harvey's voice was hushed, a tear falling from Lucy's eye - the left to be more specific. Harvey smiled warmly as his thumb came in contact with her cheek, brushing away the salty water. Lucy's eyes glanced towards Harvey's plump lips, a sudden urge taking over her body. Harvey and Lucy stayed in that position, getting lost in each others gaze, every so often looking at the others lips.

"Well, this looks cosy." Harvey and Lucy looked towards the voice, pulling away from each other.

"MAX!" Lucy jumped up, going over to hug him. Harvey frowned, a pang of jealousy hitting him where it hurt most. He only knew Lucy for one day and he was already getting attached - too attached according to Max's look he shot his brother. Harvey looked over to Flo who was holding two rucksacks - Max had the other two.

"Did you guys find anything?" Harvey asked, shutting down his thoughts of a certain blonde girl currently hugging his twin brother.

"See for yourself." Flo chucked a rucksack being thrown towards Harvey and he caught it.

"Shit, this is heavy." Harvey stated, opening the rucksack up and seeing it filled to the brim with food for the cabin.

"We got three more rucksacks filled with food. I think we will do just fine." Max smiled, looking at everyone.

"As much as I would love to help you guys out, I'm really tired and I want a bath. So, whilst you guys go get dinner ready, imma go and get in the bath." Flo informed, walking past everyone. "Oh, and Lucy?"


"Check the bag next to the door. I thought you might want it considering you are so creative." Flo smiled, continuing to walk up the stairs. Lucy looked towards the bag next to the door. It was pretty big and clearly filled up with stuff. She opened the bag up, finding little objects to decorate rooms with and plants to dot around. Her eyes widened with glee.

"THANK YOU! YOU'RE THE BEST!" Lucy shouted.

"DON'T SAY I NEVER GIVE YOU ANYTHING!" Flo answered back, now making her way to the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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