'The clouds look angry'

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☆No POV☆

"Lucyyyy, this backpack is so heavyyyy! Please can we sit down now." 

"Flo, we've been walking for two seconds. The car is literally behind us." Flo looked over her shoulder at the car parked in the driveway of her home. She looked at her best friend with a sheepish smile, Lucy rolled her eyes in response. "Maybe this camping trip isn't a good idea." Lucy mumbled, her tone now sad and moody.

"Yeah, maybe you're right. We should just go back insi-"

"Ha! You really thought I was going to give up that easily? Pfft! Come on Flo, the forest is literally just down the street." Flo huffed as she walked down the cobblestone path with her best friend, Lucy smirking in the process. Lucy had come up with the idea to go camping in the woods for a night. Of course being her best friend, Flo got dragged into this too, getting bribed with food, she found herself obeying her younger friends orders and going through with the plan. Flo had never been an outdoors kind of person, yes she loved an adventure and exploring new places but staying a night in the woods wasn't exactly her idea of fun. She hated camping ever since she was a little kid, never once stepped foot in a tent until today. The girls had already reached the forest and were now looking for a nice open area to set up for the night. 

"The clouds look angry." Flo looked up, the clouds above them had turned grey and bleak, portraying what was to come. "Lucy, I think we should go home. It looks like it's about to rain any minute now." Flo warned, yes she might dislike her best friend for dragging her here in the first place, but she certainly didn't want to be stuck in the rain, let alone the middle of the storm.

"It will be fine." As if on cue, the rain started pouring, fast and heavily, inaudible groans coming from the two girls. 

"You think this is fine?" Flo asked, not expecting a proper answer.

"Come on. We need to find shelter." Lucy shouted, running down the dirt path, Flo trailing behind her like a lost puppy. It was only a couple seconds before the girls were standing, shivering under a tall, wide branched oak tree. It's leaves so big and wide that it gave the girls some sort of shelter. No words were exchanged, the sound of heavy downpour drumming on the ground. Flo sat down on the floor, leaning against the tree, bringing her knees to her chest, her head laying between them. "Flo." Lucy whispered, a quiet 'what' could be heard escaping Flo's lips. "Stand up." Lucy demanded, her voice calm and silky. Even though she was younger, she had always been the bossy one. 

"Why?" Flo questioned, a more louder and frustrated tone now.

"Just get up." Lucy huffed, Flo had always been stubborn.

"But I don't get why yo-" 

"I swear to god Flo. If you don't get up this instant, I will never give you oreos in class again!"

"I'm up, I'm up." Flo sprang to her feet, eyeing her best friend with plead. Lucy knew Flo loved oreos, it's the card Lucy would pull if she wanted to get her own way. "Why did you want me up again?"

"Look." Lucy pointed to a wooden cabin. The cabin was made of light coloured wood, it was medium sized and a set of stairs were leading up one side, a wooden door stood proudly at the front, luring people in. The girls looked at each other eagerly. Could this be shelter, at last? "Come on." Lucy shouted, already halfway to the cabin by now. Flo followed promptly, both girls running up the wooden steps and under the covered way of the cabin. Lucy knocked sternly. 

One, two, three.

No answer. "There must be no one inside." Flo thought out loud. Lucy moved away from the door and towards the window, looking in. 

"There doesn't look like anyone is in." Lucy mumbled, her gaze fixating on her best friend. "Come on." She said, a hand on the door, opening it with hesitation. Thankfully, it opened, the girls rushed inside, closing the door behind them. Another door was behind this wooden one, this time it was made out of glass. Lucy carefully cracked it open and poked her head through. "Hello?" She called out. 


Both girls entered the area. "Hello!?" Lucy shouted more clearly now. Surely if there was anyone in there, they would speak up. 

"Maybe no one lives here." Flo concluded, looking around the space. From the glass door, there was a little sitting room next to it. Three medium sized, black leather sofas with matching pillows formed the letter 'c' in front of the big tv. The tv hung from the wall, a glass table sat underneath. A window with blinds was also next to the door. The living room area was connected with the kitchen area. Marble counters, oak wood cabinets and a working fridge, oven and hob accompanied it. To the side of this kitchen, just before you walked up the stairs, a wooden table that could seat four stood proudly. Passing the stairs, you could go down a corridor where one big guest room was. 

"Woah, check this out!" Lucy shouted from the landing above. Flo sprinted down the small corridor and up the stairs, placing a foot down on the carpeted landing. The landing was one consistent corridor. "In here." Lucy called out. Flo turned to her left, walking closer to a guest room. Flo found herself in yet another big guest room, an en suite attached. "I bagsie this room." Lucy smiled, jumping on the double bed. Flo just smiled and walked back down the landing, passed the stairs. She passed another two rooms that were similar to Lucy's room. At the very end of the corridor, a medium sized bathroom stood, white tiled, you could tell it hadn't been used very much if not never. Opposite the bathroom stood yet another guest room, double bed, balcony and en suite attached. 

"I bagsie this room!" Flo shouted down the corridor, walking into the room to examine it. 


Welcome to my Harvey Mills Fanfic, The Cabin. This story is set in the first lockdown.

I originally wrote this and published it in 2019. I put it on hold for a while because I was finishing my other book. One day, when I came back to update it, it disappeared. I decided on rewriting it since I hadn't finished it and the original version was really cringe.

So if you've seen this before don't worry, I'm sticking with the same story ideas I had but slightly different.

I hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote.

~ A 💙

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