'I've got your back, okay?'

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☆No POV☆

"I wish we could trade hearts,
Cause baby so far,
It's lonely when,
I'm the only one,
Who's been suffering this hard,
I wish we could trade hearts,
Cause mine's falling apart,
And you'd feel the way,
I've felt,
When all you left me with was these scars,
Trade hearts."

Flo woke up to a soft melody being plucked on the guitar, a beautiful, angelic voice singing quietly with it. Flo's eyes fluttered open, landing on the mess of brown hair beside her. The sun casted upon him showing off all his defined features. His eyes so hazel yet she could see the storms brewing inside of him. The perfectly defined jawline glided softly as he continued to hum.

"That's beautiful." Flo spoke up, a warm smile painted onto her lips. Harvey stopped his strumming, locking eyes with the brown haired girl.

"Oh, I didn't know you could hear. Sorry if I woke you up." Harvey placed the guitar down next to him, a small shade of pink coming into view.

"Well I do have ears you know." Flo chuckled, Harvey rolling his eyes affectionately as he laughed. His messy hair fell perfectly on his forehead, slightly covering his eyes. The two teenagers smiled at each other, being caught in a trance. "Did you sleep well after last night?" Flo asked cautiously. The previous night, Harvey had cried on Flo's shoulder. Although, he didn't say why he was so distraught, Flo had comforted him the best she could. She was careful with the questions she would ask, in fear of once again upsetting the poor boy. Harvey had been like a closed book the majority of the time, letting out a few sentences leaving Flo to imagine what one earth could've happened for Harvey to be so hurt, so broken. She so desperately wanted to know but figured if Harvey wanted to say, he would. Harvey had fallen asleep long after the little episode in the bathroom leaving Flo's imagination to wonder. She laid there for hours making up stories and possibilities. Her thoughts soon settled down letting her drift into an unwelcoming sleep.

"Yeah, thanks for helping me last night. I know I must've been a wreck." Harvey lightly chuckled at the end, lightening the mood as Flo's smile faded with every word. "Sorry you had to put up with it."

"Don't worry Harvey. Everyone has their bad days. Yours just happened to be yesterday. I'm glad I could comfort you in some way or another."

"You did, more than you can imagine." Another comforting silence fell between the pair. Small glances made between them as they laid on the bed, duvet lazily thrown above them.

"Flo, are you in there?" The sound of Flo's best friend took the pair out of their adoring trance.

"Yeah. Come in." Lucy entered without any hesitation. Her face panned with confusion as her eyes rallied between Harvey and Flo.

"What... happened... last night?" Lucy's confusion clear in her tone. Harvey looked at Flo, anxiety rising in his body.

Was she going to say anything?

Could he trust her?

"Oh, you're asking me?" Flo questioned. A small nod was recieved from Lucy. "Ohh, aha." Flo laughed. The anticipation in Harvey's body slowly engulfed him. "After you and Max went to bed, me and Harvey watched a movie. We watched loads before going to bed. We must've fallen asleep in the same room." Flo played it off. Harvey let out a silent breath of relief.

She didn't say anything

A smile appeared on his face as Flo looked towards him. "Oo, what movies did you watch?" Lucy's attention snapping towards the opened DVD cases lying on the floor. Whilst she was distracted, Flo took another glance towards Harvey.

"I got your back, remember?" She whispered, he nodded and smiled again, a flashback entering his mind.


The hot, salty tears made a break for it as Harvey sobbed into her chest.

"I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to see me like this." He cried.

"Nonsense Harvey, everyone needs a good cry sometimes." The brown haired girls smiled down to him, his hazel eyes meeting hers.

"Thank you." He sniffed, looking up, their heads closer than ever. "Please don't tell anyone, especially not my brother." Harvey pleaded, the fear of what his brother might do or say inevitable in his tone.

"Hey," she mumbled, wiping away a stray tear streaming down his flustered cheek, "no one needs to know about this. I've got your back, okay?"

"Thank you." He whispered, a tight hug being shared between them.

"Anytime." She whispered back. A comfortable silence falling between them as his sobs faded away into the night.

☆Flashback Over☆

"You guys watched The Maze Runner without me!?" Lucy pouted. Flo rolled her eyes, a small laugh escaping Harvey's lips.

"Maybe." Harvey shrugged,  smirk visible.

"You little- I thought we were friends Flo! I can't believe you would jeopardize our 8 year friendship!"

"Oh come on, you were asleep! I didn't want to wake you." Flo informed.

"I don't care if you woke me up, it's the Maze Runner! I love The Maze Runner!"

"Really? I couldn't tell." Harvey sarcastically said, Flo and Harvey having another adoring eye lock.

"Oh ha ha. Funny." Lucy rolled her eyes and huffed. Harvey and Flo clearly found it hilarious. Loud, rapid steps could be heard echoing the cabin. They seemed far away until they gradually got louder and louder, closer and closer. The door to the bedroom swung open with a force, almost hitting the shelf just next to it.

"Guys!" Max shouted, everyone's eyes snapping at him. He was out of breath from running and hunched over slightly.

"Woah dude, chill out." Harvey joked although it didn't seem like the right time.

"Max? What's wrong?" Concern rose in the three other teenagers bodies.

Why would Max be so out of breath?

What's so important that he needed to run to get here?

Max was unable to speak. As a result, he lifted up his phone towards Lucy. She quickly snatched his phone away, Max retreating by leaning against the wall, attempting to get his breathing under control. Lucy's eyes scanned over the article, a sharp intake of breath entering her lungs.

"Lucy..." Flo questioned, standing up.

"You're not going to believe what's happened."

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