Chapter 21: Touch

Start from the beginning

"Annabeth, you deserve better," I said softly and sadly. "Of course, I like you a lot. Any guy would be a fool to not like you, but you deserve better than me. 


"I'm serious Wise Girl. I can't be with you," I interrupted her as I blindly stepped back. My back hit the wall roughly. 

We stood there in silence. I couldn't see any emotions on her face because I couldn't see anything at all, which sucked. The silence between us was deafening. 

For an instant, I thought that Annabeth simply left, but then I heard her shuffling. 

I could tell that she was thinking carefully about what she wanted to say (probably to convince me that I was wrong about this). 

"We should go back inside, Wise Girl," I said to stop her. 

Annabeth was brilliant and beautiful. She could easily convince me of something that I wasn't believing. After all, Annabeth had real power over me. 

"Okay, let's go back," Annabeth said softly. 

Her voice was a little shaky, and she was probably hurt. 

I heard her walk away towards the noise. I swallowed the lump of emotion in my through before following her back to the dance with my walking stick. 

I felt awful because something felt broken. 


Piper POV

Jason and I left Annabeth and Percy alone so that they could talk through their feelings. They were so adorable and perfect for each other. They both looked so happy and blissful while dancing together.  

Annabeth didn't care about Percy's condition either. 

They were not only caring and loving towards one another but also inspiring for the world. They belonged together.

However, something was definitely wrong when they walked back into the gym. I thought that they were gonna go talk and maybe do some other things (if you know what I mean), but they came back looking hurt. 

By now, our groups of friends were at our table eating dinner. 

Annabeth sat down next to me as Percy took an empty seat across the round table. 

"Piper, something's up," Jason said quietly. 

"Yeah, I know," I said. 

I turned towards him and gave him a look. Jason understood what it meant immediately. We had to figure out what went wrong and try to help by comforting our best friends. Jason got up to go sit next to Percy. 

Then, I turned towards Annabeth. Thalia also noticed and joined in the conversation.

"Annabeth, are you okay?" Thalia asked. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be okay?" Annabeth asked covering herself quickly. 

"Annabeth, you seem hurt. What happened?" I asked. 

"Nothing happened. Percy and I had a conversation is all. He said that he can't be with me, but it's fine," Annabeth said quietly. 

"Oh, I'm sorry-." "Why?" 

Thalia and I said at the same time. 

"He said that I deserved better than him. Obviously, with the connotation that I can do better than an individual with blindness," Annabeth said firmly. 

"But, you don't even care about that," Thalia expressed. 

Annabeth sighed and she shook her head. 

"Well, I'm gonna tell you one thing Annabeth. It's not up to Percy to decide what you do and don't deserve," I said firmly. Thalia nodded. 

"It's still his choice, though," Annabeth said softly. 

There was no arguing with that. However, I wondering if Annabeth just told him how she felt about the whole thing. Maybe that would change Percy's mind.

"Did you tell him how you feel about his decision? He thinks that you deserve better. That means that he definitely likes and cares for you, Annabeth, so maybe he'd change if you talk to him," I said firmly. 

"I don't even know how I'd start. Besides, I don't think he wants to hear it," Annabeth said sadly. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Annabeth," Thalia said. "Maybe in time." 

Annabeth nodded. Annabeth was strong, so she'd be able to handle it. 

However, as I looked towards Percy and Jason, I wasn't sure if Percy could handle straining his relationship with Annabeth. She meant so much to him. 

"How about us girl go have fun and dance for a while?" Thalia asked quickly. 

Annabeth and I both nodded with smiles on our faces. 

We ended up having fun for the rest of the night, but I could tell that Annabeth was still a little sad, understandably. Percy, however, had gone home after dinner. 

Gods, I really hoped that they'd be okay. 


Annabeth POV

The winter holidays were lousy. Like I've mentioned before, I disliked staying in my own home due to my stepmother. Also, my dad was never around either. 

Most of my time was spent at Piper's or Thalia's. 

They were amazing friends as they always tried to cheer me up about the Percy situation. 

I wanted to talk to him and set things straight because I missed him a lot. I missed talking to him and listening to his sleazy jokes that would still somehow make me laugh. 

I just missed him, but I didn't know how to approach it. 

Even after he told me he couldn't be with me, my feelings didn't go away. If anything, they grew stronger. After all, Percy was avoiding a relationship with me because he cared about me. He thought that I could do better. 

However, what was best for me was my own choice. Not his. 

"Hey, Annie, have do you decided how to handle the Percy situation? I can tell that you miss him a lot," Thalia said firmly. 

"Yeah, I do. I'm gonna talk to him once school starts again," I said firmly. 

"Why talk after school starts? Why prolong it?" Thalia asked. 

I turned towards my best friend. She did have a point. Why was I prolonging it? 

"He won't answer my calls, though," I said. "Percy is literally so stubborn. He's trying to break things off slightly." 

"So, just go over to his house," Thalia said firmly. "Besides, Percy's parents love you, so they'll easily let you in even if Percy says no." 

I stared at Thalia. She did have a point.

I'd have no problem visiting Percy and talking at his house. Even Sally and Mr. Blofis would probably be on my side implicitly. After all, they just wanted Percy to be fine and open.

I quickly made up my mind and stuck with the decision. 

"Thanks, Thalia. You're an awesome best friend," I said as I got up. 

"I know that already, Annie," Thalia called out. 

I left her house still laughing. I got into my car and drove over to Percy's. Yup, I was going to talk to him one way or another because I was sick of missing him for no reason. 


I hope you all are enjoying this story. Love is a powerful and beautiful emotion, but it's also a very hard and complex feeling.

Thanks, everyone for all the love you guys are giving all of my stories.


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