"What did you do?" Suigetsu asked curiously. Sasuke had silently approached from behind and now stood behind Suigetsu.

"It's none of your business what I do." Sasuke retorted.

Suigetsu chuckled, "You really need to learn how to love someone."

Sasuke responded somberly, "I lost that feeling a long time ago, Suigetsu."

Empathizing with Sakura's situation, Suigetsu murmured, "I feel sorry for her." 

He sighed before offering a suggestion: "Just be kind to her and protect her." With that, Suigetsu returned to the campsite.

The sound of a tree crashing reached Sasuke's ears, originating approximately 200 feet away. It was evident that Sakura was venting her frustration in this manner.

'I have been doing that,' Sasuke thought to himself.


The next morning

The next morning, everyone was already awake and prepared to depart early. Sakura emerged from the trees and approached the group, attempting to greet them in a normal manner. She had spent the entire night in the forest, away from the campsite, in order to alleviate her stress; she had even collected firewood by cutting down several trees. After achieving a sense of calm, she decided not to return to the campsite and instead slept on a tree branch.

Sakura noticed Jugo behaving somewhat aloof towards her. It was evident that he still carried guilt from their past interactions. She approached him and spoke softly, attempting to comfort him.

"Jugo, you don't have to beat yourself up. I already told you, it's in the past."

"But....I attacked you when you visited me with Kabuto. I broke your ribs and almost killed you. Kabuto had to drag you out of the room...and just yesterday, I almost attacked you again..." Jugo's guilt was consuming him, nearly bringing him to tears.

"It's okay, Jugo. You weren't yourself. Besides, it was part of my training." Sakura reassured him.

Jugo nodded sadly and wandered off to continue packing his stuff. Sasuke had walked up to the pair while they were talking and had overheard their conversation. He confronted Sakura about it.

"You didn't tell me Jugo attacked you, Sakura."

"Well, now you know..." Sakura replied.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Why should I tell you anything?" Sakura retorted angrily, directing her gaze at Sasuke and displaying hostility, "Just keep your nose out of my business. It's none of your concern."

As the conversation reached its conclusion, Sakura leaped onto a tree branch to distance herself from the group. Sasuke remained expressionless, observing her departure.

'Sorry Sasuke, but payback's a bitch. I remember that night, before I pleaded to join Orochimaru with you. Before I begged you to stay, before I confessed my love for you. I had a bad feeling and I waited there to see if my feelings were correct. You were walking towards the Leaf Village gate. I asked you, why you wouldn't tell my anything....why it was always silence with you....You said the exact same thing I just said to you...' thought Sakura.

"Well, someone is still mad at you." Suigetsu whispered softly.

Upon hearing the comment, Suigetsu quickly stepped back as Sasuke turned his icy glare towards him. Sasuke sighed, jumped onto a branch, and swiftly disappeared from sight, showing no interest in whether anyone followed him.

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