Chapter Forty Four

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"Probably Uma for her maid of honor," Jane told the other girl, paying no notice to Audrey. Gods forbid the girl even say hello to her former friend! But now that she was buddy buddy with Mal, there was no room for Audrey it seemed. "Maybe Macaria and Elle for bridesmaids ? They are cousins after all and I don't really see her having more than four people in her wedding party."

"Think Hadie would be ring bearer?"

"Isn't he kinda old for that role though? He's what? Eleven?"

"Ah good point," Lonnie nodded and then smiled. "Five bucks says purple plays a role somehow."

"I won't take that bet," Jane chuckled. "And you know Ben's groomsmen will include Emir and Akiho."

Audrey held back a scoff. Those half royals, groomsmen to the King?! Had Ben been marrying her like he was supposed to, he'd have only the most refined groomsmen! Chad of course would be his Best Man instead of that silly former teacup and she supposed Phillip Jr would be able to be a groomsman too. Though he'd have been better as the ring bearer.

Oh sure he'd probably make a fuss about how it would be humiliating but Audrey would be the bride. He couldn't say no, not on one of the most important days of her life after all.

"Think Evie will design the dress?"

"After the gorgeous dresses she made for Mal and Uma, plus the dress she made for Mal to wear to Ben's coronation? I think Mal would have to be insane to go with anyone else."

"You know Akiho asked me to provide security?" Lonnie chuckled. "I'm pretty good with a sword and if Ben asks Harry to be one of his groomsmen, they're going to need someone to make sure the wedding doesn't get attacked."

"Aren't they holding off though? That's the rumor around school."

"Well yeah I mean they've got to graduate after all! Could you imagine The Gazelle running a headline like: Teenage King Doesn't Graduate? Or King's Shotgun Wedding: Prince or Princess Coming Soon?"

"Shh! Don't give them any ideas," Jane said but giggled slightly.

"Please, after Ben's press statement, I doubt they'd go after Mal any time soon," Lonnie said and Audrey rolled her eyes. Yes Ben had issued a press statement about the reports that'd been done on Mal by The Gazelle. The statement basically said anyone speculating Mal's parentage was within their rights to take it up with Lord Hades and Lady Persephone but any one running an article on it would be sued on grounds of libel.

"That plus the rumors that Lord Hermes was driving them up the wall? The Gazelle will probably stay away from Auradon Prep until we graduate," Lonnie said, continuing to talk as if Audrey wasn't lost in thought.

"Oh, happy, happy day," Jane grinned. "That's less stress for mom and I know it's less stress for Mal and Ben. They definitely don't need it right now though I'm pretty sure they haven't come down from cloud nine."

"I think the only time they'll be happier is when they start having kids," Lonnie smiled and Audrey rolled her eyes. If she had talked about her future kids with Ben back when they were going out, Lonnie would have told her she was being ridiculous to think about kids when she was a teenager.

"Oh! I wonder if they'll have a boy or a girl?"

"Why not both? Can't you picture Ben talking about wanting a little Mal running around the castle?"

"Oh and Mal would deny it but you know she'd want a little Ben, clutching a book and politely demanding he read to her."

Audrey couldn't take it anymore. A little Mal?! It was supposed to be a little Audrey Ben imagined, because she was supposed to be his future wife! "If you two could stop walking like you're going to your execution! Some of us would like to get to class!"

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