"Scott." Theo calls to him and throws him and inhaler.

Scott catches it and uses it.

"Scott she's getting worse you need to get your Mom." I call over to him as Hayden starts to breath shakily.

Scott quickly leaves the room and calls his Mom.

"Hayden I promise you will be alright." I say as I place a small kiss on her forehead comfortingly.

She smiles weakly at me through the pain and she holds tighter onto my hands.

10 minutes later
Melissa runs into the room with multiple emergency equipment.

"What's that?" Liam asks standing next to Melissa and I.

"It's called Chelation Therapy. It removes heavy metals from the blood and the problem is it can cause and injury kidneys and Hayden only has one to begin with so." Melissa explains as she injects Hayden's with an IV.

Hayden groans out in pain.

"You're hurting her." Liam growls out and grabs Melissa's wrist.

"And now your hurting me." Melissa says and I grab Liams hand off of her wrist and hold it in mine.

"Sorry. I'm sorry." he apologises sheepishly.

I hold onto Liam's hand.

"She's gonna be okay, I promise you that Liam." I whisper to him.

He looks at me and smiles sadly.

"Guys remember we're here to save a life not kill each other." Theo says from behind me as he wraps his arms round my waist.

"It's the full moon, we can feel it during the day." Scott says.

"And it's the super moon." Theo adds.

"It makes us super strong and super aggressive." I explain to Melissa who looks confused.

I sit inside the waiting room with Scott and Theo and I sit on one of the chairs with my hands wrapped around myself.

"We're gonna need help with him." Theo says.

"Maybe not just him." Scott mumbles and I can see him looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

I turn my head and look at him.

"Are you sure you will be able to control yourself?" Scott asks.

"We both know I can control myself." I speak up.

"But with everything going on..."

"I'll be fine." I say looking away from a concerned Scott and Theo.

"He's sixteen and in love. First love. Do you remember what that feels like?" Theo asks Scott and I.

I look down at the floor with pretty much a lot of sadness radiating off my body.

"Trust me, we do." Scott says.

I lift my head up and look straight forward at Liam and Hayden and I get up off my chair and walk straight out of Deaton's office.

I lift my head up and look straight forward at Liam and Hayden and I get up off my chair and walk straight out of Deaton's office

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