Chapter 8 - Insomnia

Start from the beginning

btw the hallway is longer and the dorms are bigger than they look in the picture

I ran down the hall keeping an eye out for my dorm. Eventually I saw a metal plate with my name on it planted on a door. I guess thats how they indicate who's is who's I thought. I looked to see who's dorm was near me.

oh.. of course. To my luck Kaito is right next to me. The world hates me doesn't it? I walked into my dorm. I decided to look around before going to my room.

The dorm was quite big. Almost identical to Shuichi's but instead of being decorated with blue designs it was with purple designs.

It had a decent sized bathroom, kitchen, living room, and two large bedrooms. Once I finished looking around, I went into the bathroom and turned on the sink.

I put my hands under the water and splashed it on my face, I could already feel the concealer coming off. I took a towel off of the shelf and wiped off the remaining makeup.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked much more different without the concealer. My skin was paler and had a slight tint of grayish green while my eyes had dark eyebags, both features were from not sleeping. I sighed and went into one of the bedrooms.

I didn't bother to change my clothes because I knew I wouldn't even sleep anyway. I couldn't remember the last time I slept. Every night I would just blankly stare at the ceiling, waiting for myself to eventually get tired enough to just fall asleep.. but I never did.

tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock

It was like the ticking of the clock was driving me crazy. It was like I was losing my mind and the ticking was the cause of it. I pulled my blanket over my head, trying to get the small repeating noise to stop.

But it didn't.

Shuichi's POV

After Kokichi left, I decided to go out and actually go to the grocery store this time.

time skip-

I took about 13 minutes since I only had to get a few things, but when I got home and finished putting my groceries away I suddenly developed a really bad gut feeling.

It was about Ouma. I felt like something bad was going to happen to him if I didn't hurry and check on him.

I rushed out of the door and raced down the hall, looking for Kokichi's name. I stopped everytime I saw the letter K and I eventually found his dorm. I hesitantly knocked on the door.

Kokichi's Third Person POV

Thoughts raced through Kokichi's mind.

its your fault only three people survive in the killing game.
you deserve all of those death threats.
no one would care if you died.
you should just kil-

The small boy's train of thought was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door. Kokichi's instincts from the killing game came back. All of that anxiety and worry that he would be murdered while everyone was asleep made it's way back into his mind.

Cautiously, he ran to his kitchen and picked up a knife. He slowly made his way to the door and grabbed the handle. He turned the handle and quickly pushed it open as he raised the knife, ready to stab anyone who was in the doorway.

But to Kokichi's surprise, no one was there. Had he hallucinated the knock? He closed the door and turned around to go back to sleep, but then out of no where, he opened his eyes and he was back in his bed already. He had hallucinated the whole thing.

He closed his eyes again but then heard another knock. Once again, his anxiety and worry from the killing game came back and he went to the kitchen to get a knife.

Hesitantly, he ran the knife across his forearm to make sure he wasn't hallucinating this time. Blood trickled down and he felt pain, this confirmed he was awake and not making all of this up in his head.

He walked over to the door again, raising the knife in his right hand while using his left hand to open the door. In one swift moment he shut his eyes hard and opened the door.

In the process he fell to the floor, curled in a ball and gripped his hair, dropping the knife. He prepared to get hit, kicked, or even stabbed.

He opened one of his eyes and looked up. There he saw Shuichi, standing there in the doorway. His eyes widened when he saw Kokichi's frightened, exhausted appearance below him.

Shuichi's POV

As Kokichi realized it was just me, he unsteadily stood up. I looked at Kokichi up and down, taking note of his terrified posture. A concerned and worried look plastered onto my face.

"Kokichi, are you ok?" I slightly shouted, but not too loud so I didn't startle the small male even more.

"I-I dont- I- I just want- t-to sleep.. a-and-" I watched as the poor leader struggled to get words out of his mouth, he looked like he could break down at any minute.

"Stop. Don't try to force yourself to speak, its not good to do that. Especially with your current state right now. Come on, I'm taking you to my dorm." I reached out my hand. Kokichi stumbled back, almost falling onto his back but catching himself.

Once again, I reached out my hand. This time I did it slower so Kokichi would process what I was trying to do. He accepted it and slowly put his hand into mine.

Kokichi's POV

As I tried to comprehend what was going on, I looked around, untrustworthy of everything surrounding me.

is the figure in front of me actually there? Or is it another hallucination.. is he even real? Are the walls around me even real? whats real and what isnt??

As I questioned the whole world around me, I noticed a hand reach out to me. I backed up in a hurry, unsure what it was capable of doing.

It didn't take me long before I realized it was just Shuichi. Somehow I had forgotten that the detective was standing right in front of me, even though that's what I was thinking about just a second ago.

Shuichi reached out again, this time slower. I agreed to his offer, relieved that I wouldn't be alone for the night, I wouldn't have to worry about being hurt and no one being there to help me.


1651 words! Sorry if this chapter is written poorly- (again). I'll try to get chapter 9 out as soon as I can :)

"You're Alone Kokichi, And You Always Will Be" // A Saiouma Angst StoryWhere stories live. Discover now