Lose You

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Asap Rocky & Nicki Minaj Oneshot

"Are you even listening to me!" She screamed as he ignored her taking a long drag of his blunt blowing the smoke into her face.
"I lost our Baby last week and you act like you don't even care...you wasn't even here.." she said as a few tears left her eyes.

"We weren't ready for a baby" he said simply which pisses Nicki off to the max.
"DONT FUCKING TELL ME WHAT I WAS READY FOR!" She yelled clenching her fist to stop herself from slapping him across his face.
"Were only 20 years old" he reminded taking a seat across the counter top across from her.
"You weren't here Rocky" she cried.
"Don't call me that" he responded.
"It's your name isn't it" she replied smugly.

"Look Baby I'm sorry I wasn't here but I know I wasn't ready to play daddy to no baby" he said pouring himself some Hennessy.
"Okay Rocky it's cool you had other things to be doing whilst I was having a miscarriage, wouldn't want to seem more important than work so it's totally acceptable" she said sarcastically and stood ready for what was about to come.

He raced towards her but she didn't move she knew what was going to happen. He grabbed her neck lifting her against the wall chocking her whilst yelling "I told you to stop calling me that!" before she became unconscious she kicked him right between the legs leaving them both to fall.

Nicole stood up and raced towards the stairs to their bedroom but was meet with the hard cool edge of the stair as he pulled her ankle causing her to crash face flat into the stairs.
"Move your arms Nicki" he ordered turning her body to face him as she cried using her arms to cover her eyes.
"Nicole" he said and she slowly removed her arms from her face revealing a deep scratch on her right cheek.
He picked her up and carried her up stairs into their In suite bathroom.

He stood between her legs as she sat on the bathroom counter. He grabbed a cloth dipping into a bowl of alcohol them proceeded to tend to her face. She hissed in pain as the alcohol met her face. Before he could repeat the action she reached forward and grabbed his arm causing him to drop the cloth.
The couple looked into each other's eyes in silence. They both knew what was about to happen.

Fight hard. Love harder.

She grabbed his face and kissed him and with one swift movement he grabbed her waist a picked her up leading her to their bed. "I Love you Rakim" she panted sinking her nails into his shoulders as they began their 'Make up session'
"Where are you going" she asked confused as he appeared from their closet fully clothed. "I gotta deal with something" he replied while putting on his chain.

"You cheating on me?"she asked and he chuckled at her question. "Don't laugh I'm being serious it's not like it's the first time you've done it"

"I told you it was a mistake Nicole now drop it"he said growing angry at her accusations. She looked down unknowingly allowing a few tears to fall. Noticing this Rocky walked over to their bed to comfort her.
"I love you and only you, that shit I did in the past I'm sorry" he said then pecked her lips and left.

Leaving Nicole sat in silence until she heard the front door slam shut letting her know he had left.
"Trust him Nicole" Nicki coached herself as she had flashbacks of the last time he cheated.

Deciding to get her mind off things she selected a movie and sat watching it until she was interrupted by her phone ringing. It was a best friend Kayla.

"Hey Kay" Nicki answered. "The only reason I'm telling you is because I love you and don't want to see you hurt" Kayla announced making Nicki Pause the movie so she could clearly hear what Kayla was about to tell her.

" I know Rocky's like my brother but I just seen him hugging on this blonde girl over at The mall and thought I should let you know " Kayla said nervously . "thanks" Nicki replied quickly before Kayla had a chance to reply hanging up.
With that Nicki began packing.
As she packed her things to leave everything seemed so familiar.
Nicki's Flashback
"Get away from me Rakim" I cried as he reached to hug me. I then ran up to my bedroom to pack.

"Nic" he said causing me to jump in fear. "Sorry... I ain't mean to put my hands on you it's just you wouldn't shut up" He said to me and I ignored him walking past him bouncing his shoulder in the process. "Are you even listening to me!" He shouted following me downstairs.
"I hear you perfectly fine Rakim." I shouted back throwing my last bag down the stairs.
"I'm leaving Rocky, I can't stay here" I said and he shook his head in disbelief. "you nearly knocked me unconscious " I shouted reminding him that he was the one in the wrong.

"Nicki you can't leave... I'll get help. Anger management anything just don't leave" he stated.
What I did next was the worst mistake if my life. I stayed.

End of flashback.

"Nicki!" Rocky called as he entered their home. " where the fuck is she" he asked himself.
"In here" she sung out from the kitchen. He smiled walking into the kitchen but his smile quickly faded at the sight.

"Where are you going?" He asked confused referring to her neatly packed bags. "What does it look like? I'm leaving you Rakim" she said. "what?".

"I'm not going to stay at home all day whilst you go out and cheat on me constantly like I mean nothing to you."
"Cheat? I don't know what your talking about".
Nicki's Pov
"Stop lying Rakim! Kayla saw you today" I said trying to hold in my tears.
"You was at the mall with a blonde girl today acting all in love and shit" I said looking away. "with you. The only person I'm in love with is you Nicole" he said handing me a white envelope he had been holding the whole time.

I grabbed it opening it slowly as he spoke. "I brought you a house, the girl Kay saw today was the estate agents she sold it to me." He said. "It's yours".
"What do you mean it's mine?" I asked. "Its your house Nicole all you have to do is sign there" he pointed to the space underneath my name printed in Black.

Nicole Mayers. Yes Mayers. I married him a few months ago, it was kinda a heat of the moment thing. But yeah he's my husband.

"Here" he extended his arm out to me handing me the pen. I stared at it before shaking my head.
"I can't do this no more... I'm sorry" I placed the sheet of paper down and picked up my bags walking past him.
So this is the first part of this new Oneshot series I'm creating.
How was it?

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