Chapter 7: Study and Love Session

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(Y/n POV)

It has been a week since me and Lisa confessed to each other. It has been smooth sailing since then. I can't believe that it was so easy confessing to her. I hate the fact that we had to go through many thing first before being together.

Today, I'm going to the convenience store as Lisa works there. Me and Lisa are going to her house as she wants a study session. I don't know why she wants one, her grades are good and not close to failing. High chances she's just making it as an excuse for us to hang out but if so, she should've just told me. But, I won't complain.

I reached the convenience store and was met with Moca at the counter.

Moca: "Good afternoon, Y/n-san~"

Y/n: "Good afternoon too, Moca. Do you know where my student for today is?"

Moca: "Student?" Moca asked in curiousity.

Y/n: "Me and Lisa are gonna study for today." I explained.

Moca: "Oh, I see. Lisa-san, you're date is already here waiting for you~" Moca said as Lisa went out of a probably staff only room with her casual clothes.

Lisa: "Hey, Y/n-kun. My shift just ended so I was preparing my stuff at the staff room. Shall we go now?" Lisa said followed by a cute chuckle.

And when I say cute, I mean cute.

Y/n: "Alright! Bye, Moca!"

Lisa: "Bye-bye, Moca!"

We said as we exited the convenience store as Moca waved at us.

Lisa: "I'm excited for your lessons, sensei~" Lisa said. I'd be lying if I say I didn't blush from that.

Y/n: "Did you actually want to study or did you just want to spend time with me? If it's the latter, you could've just told me."

Lisa: "Now, now. Maybe it's mix of both."

Y/n: "Fine, fine." I said as we continued walking to her home.

Eventually, after a few minutes, we reached her house. We went inside and went straight to her room.

Y/n: "Alright! Let's start studying!" I said as I took the books at Lisa's drawer and put it on the table.

Lisa: "Really? Do you really want to study when you're all alone with a girl the same age as you in her bedroom?" She said in a probably... Or totally seductive manner.

Y/n: "Remember what you said earlier? When I asked you if you really want to study or just want to hang out with me, you said and I quote 'Maybe it's mix of both.' So that's what we are exactly doing today, but the studying is first!" I said to her.

Lisa: "Oh, the consequences of loving a smart person." She said as she sighed in defeat and sat at the opposite side of mine.

Y/n: "I heard that, you know?"

Lisa: "I know, let's start already as we would have more time to just relax later."

~an hour later~

An hour has passed and may I say that at the whole hour I couldn't focus. Everytime I look at Lisa she would give that sorta sexy look that just makes me flustered and red all over.

Y/n: "A- alright, that's the last question! Congratulations."

Lisa: "Where's my reward then?"

Y/n: "Re- reward?" I said and gulped, what is she on to?

Suddenly, she stood up and went near me. She kissed me on the lips and made me stand up. I was surprised by the act but followed her orders. We broke the kiss, giving us the opportunity to talk.

Y/n: "So, are you satisfied with your 'reward'."

Lisa: "Not yet~" She said as she pushed me to the bed. I was noe lying down now trying to comprehend what's happening.

Y/n: "Li- Li- Lisa?" I said as she went on top of me and kissed me again on the lips. Our supposedly sweet and romantic kiss has now become a make out session. But would I complain? Hell no.

After a few minutes, our make out session was finished, we didn't go all out as we're still young, we know the consequences if we'd let the heat continue. I packed up my stuff as the both of us went outside her house as it was quite late and I need to go home now.

Lisa: "Well, did you enjoy the show~?" Lisa said while chuckling.

Y/n: "I did."

Lisa: "Anyways thank you for today!"

Y/n: "No worries!"

Lisa: "Also, watch our live at Live House CiRCLE a few days from now."

Y/n: "Rest assured that I'll watch! I need to go now. Good bye, Lisa. I love you." I said as I kissed her on the cheek.

Lisa: "Bye-bye, Y/n. I love you too." She said as she also kissed me on the cheeks. After that, I waved goodbye and went home.

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