Chapter 3: Distance

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[Sorry for not updating this for about a month. Please don't kill me.]

(Y/n pov)

It has been a few days after that licking incident happened. It affected me and Lisa's relationship. We've been avoiding each other at school and stuff like that.

Today, I'm at school, not doing anything as the teacher is not around.

Hina: "Y/n!" Hina, my classmates went to me.

Y/n: "Ahh, Hina what could I do for you?" i asked her.

Hina: "Well, I was wondering if you'd teach me again about the distance formula." Oh, Hina just wants to ask about that.

Y/n: "Well, it goes like this...


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... and that's how you use the distance formula."

Hina: "Thank you so much, Y/n! You're so boppin'!

Y/n: "No problem, ask me about it anytime."

Hina: "Alright! Bye bye!" Hina said as she ran off back to her seat.

Coincidentally, it was time for lunch. I went to the cafeteria and saw Tomoe, another friend of mine, she's a year younger than me though.

Tomoe: "Yo! Y/n-senpai!" She said as she raised her hand. I waved back and offer for her to seat beside me.

Y/n: "What can I do for you, Tomoe?"

Tomoe: "Well, Y/n-senpai what do you call that theorem that's used to find the distance of the hypotenuse of a right triangle?"

When Tomoe said that, why is distance such a reoccurring theme right now?

Y/n: "Oh, that's the Pythagorean theorem."

Tomoe: "Wow, you're so smart, Y/n-senpai!" It was an easy question though...

Y/n: "No problem, ask me anything and I'll probably have the answer for it." I said with a chuckle.

Tomoe: "I better get going now, Y/n-senpai. My friends are waiting for me." She said as she stood up and ran away.

What's up with distance today? First, Hina with the distance formula and then Second is Tomoe with the Pythagorean theorem with describing it as getting distance. Oh well, It's like it's telling me something.

~after classes~

(Lisa pov)

It was the end of classes, me and Yukina went out of class and as we were walking...

Lisa: "Yukina, have you seen Hina or Tomoe being close to Y/n-kun before?" I told Yukina.

Yukina: "I haven't, why? Is there something wrong?"

Lisa: "Well, if you haven't noticed, earlier during class I saw Hina and Y/n-kun talking to each other."

Yukina: "Oh, and what about Udagawa-san?"

Lisa: "I saw her and Y/n-kun talking to each other during lunch."

Yukina: "Lisa, I've noticed you and L/n-san haven't been noticing each other, is there perhaps a problem?"

Lisa: "Well, you see..."

I then told Yukina what happened during the time Y/n-kun was at my place, the baking of cookies and also the lick.

Lisa: "... and that's why me and Y/n-kun avoid each other..." I said with a sad face.

Yukina: "I never expected it to be like that... But Lisa, are you perhaps, jealous?

Lisa: "I- I don't know... Maybe I am but also maybe not. I don't have the right to get jealous but why am I feeling this..."

Suddenly, me and Yukina saw Y/n... It looks like he was at a rush cause he was running.

Yukina: "I think we should follow him."

Lisa: "Agreed. Let's go!"

Me and Yukina followed suit at Y/n's tracks. He was fast but we were able to keep up.

Lisa: "Yukina, this direction seems familiar!"

Yukina: "It is."

Lisa: "Must be somewhere we know of."

After a few minutes of pursuit, Y/n stopped at... Hanasakigawa?!

Me and Yukina watched from a distance and after a few minutes a girl came to Y/n. It was... Kasumi?

Yukina: "Lisa... are you ok?"

Lisa: "I'm fine..." I said to Yukina...

Why is Y/n-kun with Kasumi? Why am I feeling this? I can't explain all of these questions.... Is this... perhaps, love?

[Again, I'm sorry for not updating this.]

I Fell In Love With A Gal - (Lisa Imai × male reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora