Raid On The Brothel (Chapter 8)

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Ligma is walking with Shalltear beside him looking around the market place. Which was a stone road and old buildings behind the stalls that only had clothes food and water. The food had bugs swarming around it and the water didn't seem very clean. And the clothes was so dirty Ligma was sure dirt would make them look better.

Shalltear: Is this the best they got?

Ligma: I believe this is the poor part of town lets head to the more richer areas.

Shalltear: As you wish.

Ligma and Shalltear left the slums with multiple people staring at them. They finally got to their destination where the markets seemed more clean but this one had weapons at stalls by the dozens and it had some unique stores.

Ligma: Their restaurants are most likely not on par with the cooking at home... any idea where to go?

Shalltear: Hmmm I doubt any items here would be useful.

Ligma: Well I have twenty gold coins and fifty sliver coins and one hundred bronze coins on me and I don't know what to do with them.

Shalltear: I don't think spending it here would be worth it everything is so bland even the jewelry.

Ligma: Maybe we should do something else but what?

Shalltear: (points to people giving a shady man money to get in the building) I wonder what that is all about.

Ligma: Well might as well find out.

Ligma and Shalltear walked up to the shady cloaked man making him look at them in surprise.

Shady Man: Wh-What can I do for you Adamantite Adventurers?

Ligma: I want to see what is happening in there everything out here is boring. I don't care if it is illegal.

Shady Man: I see, If I was you I wouldn't get the normal pass that is for the peasants I recommend the royalty pass which gives you a good seat in a private room to overlook the battle. It comes with a free meal prepared by our best chiefs. And if you fancy it you can come down inbetween matches and bet on whoever you want.

Ligma: Okay how much does it cost?

Shady Man: three gold coins each.

Ligma: (puts seven gold coins in his hand)  I expect the best you got any less and I'll be taking this money back from your cold dead hands got it? Keep the change.

Shady Man: Yes sir i'll make sure your treated like a noble no better!

Shalltear: You better I expect the best for my master.

Ligma and Shalltear followed another cloaked figure to a stair case that lead to a small room with snacks on the table in middle of the room and a small balcony with a dining table and two chairs. The arena itself was a huge cage that was surrounded by peasants. The Announcer started calling the two fighters in the ring.

Announcer: The first contestant a well known fighter known for his metal chains... The Torture Fiend! (The arena erupts into cheers as a man in a leather wrapped in chains that was dragging behind him came out and walked into the cage.

Shalltear: Honestly I don't get what they are excited about. Even I can wrap myself in chains.

Ligma: It's too hype them up and make them think he is better than he actually he besides I want to see what he can do with those chains to his opponent.

Shalltear: I guess so it is for our entertainment.

Announcer: The second contestant is new blood that we captured please welcome Sir Gallow a knight of the Baharuth Empire!

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