September 15th

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Dedicated to theresa5nakeinmyboot, I remembered :)

And before he walked away

he whispered to me

"Just because the timing is off does not mean you and I are not destined to be.

There is no end to our story."

- Natalie Jenson

September 15th:

The rolling waves crash against the shore, performing a soft melody that soothes her eardrums. The cordial wind, blowing through her blonde hair as she sprawls across the beach, the grains of sand against her silky skin. She can feel his heat hovering above her, the overwhelming aroma of the salty ocean mixed in with blowing wind. It is perfect, a smile on her lips as the sun rises on the horizon, an orange hue cast over the glimmering water.

His lips encase her smile. She can taste the ocean water, salt, and mint on his lips. Mara arches her back as his fingertips trace her spine sensually, her arms wrap around the back of his neck, holding him to her. Afraid he may disappear if she lets go, he will sweep away with the breeze.

He pulls away from her, only to caress along her sharp collarbone in fluttering kisses. Her eyes are cast towards the warm skin in pure euphoria as the air around them grows more warm, if even possible. She is smothered, pulling him closer to her as the smell of him is so overpowering that she uses his air to breathe.

Bringing his lips back to hers in a heated kiss. The waves, crashing against the shore even more emphatic than before. So painful against her eardrums that her eyes fly open, blinking as they register the scene, unfolding before her pooling eyes.

She is in her bed, her sheets sprawled across the foot of her bed. Some of them on the floor as she had kicked them in her sleep. She is grasping onto the bear Elias had won her to her racing heartbeat, the smell of him still lingering on his fur. The sun, streams through the cracked open window, her skin glowing.

Yet all she feels is cold at the understanding that it is all a dream. That the beach, the sun, the kiss, it is all a fabrication of her imagination. Elias isn't here because she sent him away, and now she yearns for him more than ever before.

However, Mara won't pull him back to her because she understands he needed to experience life outside of the realms they devised. To live in a world that isn't obsessed with her problems.

She will, however, need to talk to someone about those said predicaments. That's why she's now lounging in the chair, her converse resting against the scuffed yellow walls, tapping in urgency. Dr. Alice, in all her grandeur, sits perched in her chair, watching Mara unwind. Like a flower, peeling back her layers until you got to the heart, the real issue.

"I think it's sexual frustration," Mara huffs, blowing a strand of blonde hair away from her face.

Dr. Alice laughs, an ardent chortle that makes its way to her dark ascetic eyes. So deep blue, they almost seem navy, pale around the edges. Her lips brushed as burning red as her wavy hair. Dr. Alice is never caught with a frown as if her world is too beautiful for it.

Not even when Mara arrived, out of breath and heaving, her words floundered over the next. Still, in her pajamas, she'd only taken a second to brush her hair and aligned white teeth before hastening towards Dr. Alice for explanations.

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