New Ally

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Waking up I feel exhaustion wash over me as I slowly get out of bed. I look down and see I am still in my clothes from yesterday. Getting used to waking up in my clothes from the day before I heading into the bathroom. A big mirror hangs right over my sink, my face is all bruised up. I am black and blue from my face all the way down to the rest of my body, bruises travel down my arms and my legs into ,y inner thighs. Look all over the cabinets I come across a small amount of makeup that I kept hidden. Grabbing a small amount of toilet paper I attempted to touch up all the damage along my face. After I was done I went to grab a long sleeve outfit to hide the rest of my body. After I was done I walked out of my room, my brother was nowhere to be seen as usual. When he was pissed he always left me alone. I am guessing he did this to avoid from hurt me too much I guess. Who really knows.  Grabbing a fruit from the counter I head out the door.

Making it to class I was late but the teachers didn't really seem to care as I went to sit down. Artemis as usual was looking out the window again, still in his own world. Instead of watching him like I usually did I decided to take my time to write down what the teacher was saying. Before I knew it the bell rang quicker than I realize. I must've really slept in to miss this much of first period. This was my brother's fault. I couldn't take anymore of my brother. I needed help!

As everyone was making there way out the classroom I mustered up my courage walking up to Artemis. 

"Please help me, only for a week and I promise I can get you anything you want" I began blabbing.

"Go away" he answered looking out the window.

"Please" I pleaded.

"What I want you can never give, so stop pretending you have a way to help me. You know nothing about me yet you seem so eager for my help. what's in it for me?"

"First of all I want to clear the air, I never meant to touch that day I merely wanted to inform you about the bell".

"Stop" he cut me off.

"I don't want your apology just get on with what you want".

"M-my brother" I answered nervously.

"What about your brother?"

"I want help with my brother".

"And how am I supposed to do that?"

"Well I-".

"Wait wait stop" he cut me off yet again.

"You are meaning to tell me you came here asking for my help, yet you don't know what you are seeking for?"


"And here we go with the stuttering again," he said annoyed.

I was now seriously pissed of this guy has the most worst personality. I don't see what Rose see's in him then I remember the only real reason she wanted him was for his money. I actually felt bad for him but now I see they are a match made in heaven, awful people belong together.

"You know what I'm leaving" I finally say to him.

"And I can to you because I thought you were different from what the press had written about. I never once pity you for or thought it was your fault for what happened to you in the past" I say to him leaving out the door.

Feeling defeated I really didn't want to go back home. I already knew what awaited me. I couldn't take any more of James. I just want someone to be there was me when he got a little too much for me. Was that all too much to ask?

"Wait! Stop" someone called to me.

I stopped to turn around. I was face to face with Artemis.

Pissed off I answer him "what do you want? If you don't like me or something then just tell me so I can be on my way".

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