
Start from the beginning

I opened my mouth yet no words came out, but instead more tears were building at the corner of my eyes. Just tell him.

So I did, I told him how I've been through everything already. How we fought and he left, how we were in a war, on other sides. My body racked with sobs as I told him how I watched him die. The spark in his eyes leave for what I believed was forever.

He held me tight as my knees gave out and nothing but convulsive sobbing came out.  He listened to me when I barely could whisper and not once told me to repeat myself when the words became muffled. Because he understood what happened.

He knew I lost him and I came back to save us. Save him. My Mattheo.


No one ever teaches you how to save the world. No one from the wizarding world , nor the muggle world.

So how can you be prepared to do something you've never done?

The night I came back,  Mattheo held me tightly while I told him every single feeling I had bottled up on the way. He let his fingers comb my hair and massage my scalp while my legs straddled his lap and his arm held me protectively close.

What felt like hours on end were barely more than two. Two consecutive hours of me sobbing into his chest. His smell engulfing me. I missed you

But when he decided to speak, everything came back to reality.

,,If what I remember is correct then we have barely three hours to come up with a plan before you get abducted by a group  of death eaters."

The corner of my mouth turned upwards. Not once would I doubt his intentions.  He'll save us, no harm will come to us.

,,How do you want to do this?" I whispered, stroking his hair out of his face.  He closed his eyes , contemplating his options.

,,If there was a way to trick my father, let him fall into his own trap.."

,,Maybe we could use a little help." I suggested but he shook his head ,,We can't trust anyone, I don't trust anyone."

,,Mattheo we need to tell somebody, we need to be prepared it's a bloody war we are talking about! I've lost you once I'm not doing it again."

,,You won't lose me." He cut in, cupping the side of my face ,,You found a way to come back and now we are gonna make sure it doesn't go to shit."

,,We can't risk anything, we don't have to tell any professors,  they are pretty useless anyway . If we can tell a couple of people we can be more prepared for what will come."

,,I'm not sure Y/N." He sighted, leaning his forehead against my chest. ,,We need to Mattheo, you need to stay alive, we both do." He was silent but then, a small movement of his head let me know he accepted his fate.


The plan went as followed. By the time the  ball started Mattheo and I gathered the small group of people we could trust.

Scratch that, I could trust.

The four walls room was soon filled with a group of people , eagerly dressed for the ball.

,,Can someone explain why they are here?" Pansy squealed as soon as she saw the trio together on the left side of the room. Adrian Pucey and Blaise Zabini agreeing. Snakes aren't fond of lions.

Mattheo was in the bathroom waiting for the queue to come in. After several shouts and threats the group went quiet, waiting for me to speak.

I touched the ring between my middle finger and thumb– not long before the bathroom door opened. As soon as the handsome man I fell in love with walked in,  every wand was pointed at him.

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