
Start from the beginning

,,Yes I can- I am stopping you." I countered back. 

,,Why can't you leave me alone? You've done what you had to do- get me on his side, on YOUR side Mattheo- the one you chose to abandone. Why would you care?"

I didn't even try to fight with her anymore but instead I grabbed her arm and pulled her to the door with all my strength. She trashed around yelling at me to leave her alone- 

,,Stop fighting me Nott!"

,,No! Let go- Let me go!" She yelled again. Footsteps could be heard coming down the hall. There was no time left- we had to get out.

,,Mattheo please. Please let me go."

,,I can't do that." I replied, carrying her trashing body out the door and as fast as I could down the hall towards the grand doors. The set of footsteps got louder- coming right after us. We could make it, the doors were right there- almost there. 

It was only a couple of feet away- we are almost out. I looked back to see that the footsteps were aproaching us, a group of death eaters. I couldn't risk fighting them and losing more time. I turned around and started walking faster when the grand doors flew open- more than a handful of death eaters standing  in front of us.

A feeling of panic and dreath cluched at my chest as I held on her hand as tight as I could and turned towards her desperatly. There has to be another way- the stairs could lead to a different way out. I could feel my pulse raising with every wasted second. 

I grabbed her again and went for the stairs-  the Death Eaters on our tail, fiering hexes left and right. I went into the first unlocked door and pushed both of us inside- using multiple spells to lock the door. 

I turned back to her and looked around the room, searching for anything that could help us get out. I couldn't aparate out of here- not without Malfoy. Male voices could be heard down the hall- there was no time.

I turned angrily back to her and smashed my hand against the wardrobe next to me- punching a hole through the wood. Blood trippled down my knuckles as I tried to get my brain to come up with something.


I shot my head back to her as she opened her mouth to speak again ,,You have to get out of here."

,,I'm not leaving without you." I refuse to leave her.

,,Yes you are! You have to leave before they kill you. Voldemort disowned you, there's a matter of time until they barge in and hex you."

,,They won't kill me , I know my own father, he wants to be the one to kill me."

,,Where's the difference ? You'll get captured and then it's over, you'll die anyway!"

,,Like I said I'm not fucking going."

,,Why? Why do you have to be so fucking stubborn. I don't want to leave, I can't leave! This is where I belong!" She shouted in frustration. 

,,You know that's not true, that was never true. You're fucking better than this." I shouted back. She threw her arms up desperate before tucking one of her hands into her back pocket and pulling a napking out wrapped around something.

,,What the hell is that?" I asked stepping forward.

,,It's  a portkey." It felt like I could finally breath again-  there is a way out.

,;Yes we need to get out-" I started, walking towards her. She stepped back, holding the napking behind her back. ,,I'm not leaving, you are."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, this is pointless. Banging could be heard as they all tried to get in.

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