Brave New World

791 20 8

Earth 76
National City - 2020

A rodent scampered down the alley quietly, its small ears pointed upward, its head to the floor as its nose was high alert for food. The mouse squeaked in happiness as it came across a small thing of cheese.

A blue pulsing portal appeared out of nothing, glowing, a second later something flew out of the portal, skidding to a stop. A man in red, breathed in deeply, pulling his cowl down, quickly pulling his emblem from his suit, tossing it into the same breach.

"Aha... I made it, cool," Barry Allen laughed, as the portal collapsed, leaving him alone. A tranquil feeling fell on him, realizing that was it, he couldn't go home. Oddly enough Barry didn't feel any more sadness, he had hopefully tied up any loose ends and left his city in capable hands.

The Scarlet Speedster looked down at his suit, realizing he probably didn't need it anymore, turning he sped in a circle, changing his clothes in a flash. He tucked the suit away in his duffle bag, dropping it to the floor.

Barry looked around and frowned, while grateful he didn't end up appearing on the street like last time, an alley is not where he wanted to be at the moment. He made a move to start walking when movement in his peripheral vision stopped him, it was a mouse.

Barry made sure nobody was around before quickly flashing to the rodent, picking it up making it squeal in shock, "Hey there little guy, this is no place for you" he picked up his bag, slinging it over his shoulder, walking out the alley.

He did not notice the dim glow of a security camera. Oliver would be disappointed in Barry for not casing a new environment.

National City was way different than Central City, there was a lot more sun here, which was a given being in the great state of California. More open plains to run around in. Barry held MouseFlash close as he raised his other hand to block the sun, he would be wearing lot fewer sweatshirts he mused.

Barry stopped at a local hot dog stand, buying water, getting some sunglasses to go with his drink, placing MouseFlash on his shoulder before opening the bottle, pouring a little in the cap before offering it to the rodent on his shoulder. It was a little warmer than Central City's hero was used to, he took a considerable drink before forcing the bottle in his back pocket.

Central City was surrounded by water, the weather was pretty fair, a sharp contrast to National City, it held lots of piers and bridges, it made dealing with weather meta's not the greatest. He would certainly miss running on water, it would be fine he supposed, he could always visit the coast.

Now that he was here, he was certain to check in a hotel and get something to eat and maybe use the internet to catch up with world news, he didn't want to look suspiciously out of place, not knowing anything. That would confirm what the Queen siblings always thought he was.

It went against his first instinct to not go out and immediately look for Kara, even though he wanted so badly, he wasn't sure how Kara would react to him showing up yelling: "Hey Kara! I abandoned my world, came to your world to live here, oh also I threw the only thing that could get me home in the breach, what's for lunch?"

Barry chuckled humorless, wondering what he'd do if Kara reacted negatively, probably tell him in a roundabout adorable way that he couldn't stay here and he needed to be on the next breach out! Barry would be out of luck then because nobody knew where he was, the note he left only saying he was leaving earth - there were infinite numbers!

Barry continued his spiraling thoughts before spotting a Motel Six in the distance, "Ah, perfect! Let's go MouseFlash" Barry petted, starting to jog ahead, not noticing a black van pull up behind from, a woman with short brown hair rolled down the window, taking her sunglasses off, her eyes narrowed.

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