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It was a grand day at the York estate, a day of celebration, as it was foretold. It was of such high importance that even the little prince did not speak or have seen his parents all morning. He spent his time in the court yard swinging around a wooden sword he made himself, yelling childish war cry's, as he fought off invisible enemies with a limp hand, as it was still too heavy for him to carry.

Not many servants were seen that day, and the ones who were seen, were quiet and very hush hush about their work. Two womanly servants, crossed the court yard in a hurry, completely passing Lucien as if he was another shrub in the nearby garden. They spoke close to one another, and one carried a jar of something in her pale hands. Lucien overheard her say, "we must hurry with the oil, she has arrived!"

Who has arrived? and why is the ceremonial oil being brought over to this 'she', the little prince has heard nothing of. Quick on his toes, he hurried behind them, at a fair distance to not be seen by them. Lucien followed the two into the servant corridors, a long dark winding hall, lit by candlelight fixtures that hung from the stone walls.

They made way to the entrance of the throne, hovering over one another, they debated back and fourth who would be the one to knock first. Lucien appeared, pushing through their towering legs, and decided to end the discussion and knocked for them.

The servant's jaws went slack, "oh! Prince Lucien." One exclaimed, apologetically, "I did not see you there."

"No one does." He said, bitterly, but his eyes showed no sign of it for he was more intrigued by what's on the other side of this door. A faint cry was heard from within.

The servants went in before him, he took his ear to the door, listening in. An earth shattering voice summoned the little prince in, at once, the grand doors opened up, Lucien with all his might pushed his short legs to run faster to the blurry faces across the way, he nearly tripped over his own feet and made his clumsy arrival before the Lord and Lady. There was a red blanket swaddling something or someone in Lady Helena's arms.

Lucien was anxious and excited. His eyes went big as his mother lowered the blanket to him, it held new life, a baby, barely a week old. He reached out to touch, and a large hand placed itself in front of his body. The little prince craned his neck all the way back to look up at his father's face but when his eyes met his, there was something different about them. Lord Kasavar was a brooding man by nature, his voice was rough like stone, his eyes piercing blue and his brows speckled with sliver, held heavy on his face. His face was carved like a statue, he even expressed himself like he was one.

"Kneel before her." Lord Kasavar beckoned.

Lucien obeyed and went down on one knee, putting both his hands on the knee pointing towards them, and bowed his head to the next heir. From a young age, it was made known they were not born to be equals.

Suddenly the doors to the throne room, opened wide with a gush of wind. "Who dares interrupts?" Lord Kasavar demands from the space, the rising of his voice made Lady Helena flinch.

A high councilmen peaks out from outside, and says, shyly. "Lord, we request your assistance immediately."

"Immediately, you say?" The Lord scoffs, he places his hand on the soft head of the child. The little prince watched as he father paid him no mind to his existence before taking his leave.

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