Chapter 2

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The stars in the sky hadn't been visible in years, the bright blue glow of Sector 5 was enough to eradicate the darkness. There was a persistent film of grey over the sky even during the short day light hours on Kalypso. Violets in the sky ascended up, making it known to the Serpent that she is late.

An amber glow cascaded down the alley behind a rusty joint on the edge of the Sector, planted in the middle of nowhere; with some strange regulars coming in and out. However, they knew to keep to themselves. The Serpent would hear the occasional rumour floating in the air, murmuring of talk of this and that but, that never bothered her. One look from the Serpent and they would all scurry back in their holes like mice.

She followed the amber glow and pulled back on the wire netting from the bottom, ducking under it to the other side. Sonora placed back the tarp to conceal her entry point, and continued on to the caravan, cracking open the door. Inside to her left are a couple of stairs leading up to the front wheel and from her right, a portable stove next to the sink, that Moira bolted herself to the wall- That still leaks from time to time. There was a vanity where Phoenix sat at, prying and tugging at his skin with a damp rag. The ring around the mirror provided the only light in the room. Phoenix lifted his sculpted chin and looked at Sonora through the mirror. "Welcome home."

"How long you've been at it?" She asked, kicking off her boots and draping her cloak over the railing of the stairs. But, never her gloves, never them.

"Since I got home." Phoenix said picking at the glitter stuck on his face. Sonora joined him at the vanity, leaning forward to see herself next to him in the mirror.

"And that was?"

Phoenix laughs, a musical one. "An hour before you." One side of Sonora's mouth slides up, and the opposite side of her granite brow swoops down.

"Did Moira get in alright?"

"She's asleep. Long day." Phoenix says, dropping the rag and getting up from his seat, facing Sonora while leaning against the vanity with one leg over the other. He wore an emerald silk blouse that was left unbuttoned, with white wide legged pants. He smiled with ill-conceived amusement. "By the looks of it, so did you."

She breathed. "Well, it was nothing I couldn't handle-", Sonora narrowed her eyes at Phoenix, questioning if what she was seeing was only due to the poor lighting. There was a faint shadow over Phoenix's left eye. "You found work upstairs again?"

Phoenix turned his face to the side, racking his nails against his jaw. "Glitter can hide most things but, not this."

"If it could, I would use some of that glitter for myself. Make it easier to fade into the background."

"Now where's the fun in that?" He jested.

Sonora arches her brow, scoffing. "You know not everyone is like you, Phoenix Rune." His hand flies to his chest, with a sorrowful look in his eyes.

"Sadly, I do." After the dramatics, he cracked a smile. Sonora turns to leave, and Phoenix continues. "She worries about you, you know."

She cranked her head back to look at him, saying. "That is my job- to worry."

Crossing his lengthy arms, he inquires. "Does she know that?" Sonora was never around, and by some miracle she actually was, she was not there, not completely. Without turning back, she says.

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