Hoses & Headlocks

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Effie Potter does what she does bestmeddle.


Opening the front door to the smell of old books and delicious coffee was one of Remus's favourite ways to wake up. Especially after battling with his rusty key to unlock the heavy door. Every time this happened, he convinced himself that his masculinity was only slightly hurt. Remus smiled slightly at the sight of the tiny kitchen, tucked away at the back of the shop; it only had enough storage to store various coffees, teas and cluttered baking supplies.

Before beginning his morning ritual of baking muffins and preparing various sandwiches, Remus made himself a large cup of his finest coffee, sipping it happily and settling himself on top of the counter whilst rereading1984 for what felt like the millionth time, enjoying the simple tranquillity of his shop.

After this morning routine of baking and pondering, he attended to his bookshelves, arranging and rearranging the books until he was satisfied. To the untrained eye, Remus probably looked like an old man, sitting in his book-café, prowling over the organisation of his countless shelves of well-loved novels.

So, he couldn't fault anyone that thought him older than his actual age of twenty-three, he was painfully aware that his tattered jumpers and baggy trousers morphed him into a seemingly much older man. He recalled a couple of months ago, when this woman had spoken to him really softly and slowly, and Remus only realised that she had thought he was an old pensioner when Lily had burst out in peals of laughter, explaining that the lady must've thought he had hearing aids in.

Remus chuckled silently at the memory, tucking himself back into his book and letting the quiet wash over him. However, his blissful silence was broken by the sound of the jingle of the shop's door. He was prepared to give Lily a proper rant about the importance of his morning routine, but instead, he gave a warm, welcome smile to one of his morning regulars, Effie Potter.

"Mornin' Eff, what can I do for you today?" He asked, his thick Scottish sweetening slightly to welcome one of his favourite people. Remus had to admit that he had a soft spot for Effie and her husband Monty. They were an older couple who'd retired to the Highlands after their only son had grown up and moved away.

"Just the usual muffins for me Rem, I'm afraid I can't stop for a chat. James and Sirius are coming home today!" She said excitedly, her once English accent had now faded away and was replaced with the tang of Scots, her vocabulary adapting to the country happily.

"Och, that's brilliant, coming home for summer are they?" Remus asked, grabbing the small bag for the muffins, fairly eager to know more about this James that Effie always talks about. She nodded gleefully, happily ranting about all the housework she needed to do to prepare for her son's arrival.

Remus listened happily, umming and ahhing at the various string of compliments Effie spouted about her son, describing him as if he was coming from heaven, not London.
"So he's got a pal comin' up with him, you've said before that they work together?"

"Aye, they're business partners, been attached by the hip since school. Sirius is practically my second son." Remus smiled at this, loving the way Effie collected strays—himself included. He handed Effie her bag of muffins and an extra couple of cookies he had slipped in. Knowing that if she saw them she would insist on paying extra.

"He's too bonnie for his own good my Sirius, certainly too bonnie to be me own son" Effie laughed, giving Remus a cheeky wink, "I think he'd be good for you, maybe you two could even hit it off..."

"Away, get out of 'ere before I charge ya extra," Remus blushed, waving her away.
"As if you ever would, goodbye sweetheart!" Effie shouted, exiting the shop with a wave and smile.

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