"She'll love it Benny," Mal told him. "It came from her child. If my parents taught me anything, it's that a parent loves their children more than anything."

Ben smiled as he held her close. "This is going to sound strange but I'm glad you have a good relationship with your parents," he said, his voice a near whisper. "I know...with the Isle and all..."

"I actually didn't know dad was my dad until I was five," Mal said with a small sigh. "I was four months old when Maleficent's goblins stole me from mom and dad."

"Oh Gods Mal," Ben said, looking at Mal in horror. "I'm so sorry...I had no idea. How'd you find out that Lord Hades was your father?"

"You know, considering that he's going to be your father-in-law, you can probably drop the title," Mal teased gently. "As for how I found out...I asked him."

"You just asked the Lord of the Underworld if he was your father?"

"Well when he knew my middle name, it was a pretty big hint," Mal chuckled.

Ben smiled. "Bertha right? I don't know if it's the concussion talking but that's kinda pretty."

"It's the concussion Ben," Mal told him, softly cupping his cheek with her hand. "Though it's better now that I'm 'Malinda' instead of 'Maleficent'."

"Still though it's better than mine," Ben chuckled. "Florian. Benjamin Florian."

"It suits you," Mal said with a small smile.

"I believe you said it was rather 'princely' when I told you about it on our first date," Ben said with another small chuckle.

"Maybe I should have said it was rather regal instead," Mal told him.

"Either one worked," Ben said and then winced. "Sorry...head still hurts."

Mal couldn't help but frown. "I can get you some meds..."

"I don't want to be a bother Mal but—."

"Not another word," Mal said as she got up and went to the door. Sticking her head out, she said, "Dean? Are you out here? I know you shadow Ben more than Emir and Akiho do."

"A King's attendant must be ready at a moment's notice my Lady."

"I didn't mean anything negative by it Dean," Mal said with a small smile. "Can you fetch some pain medicine? King Ben's head is still hurting after his confrontation with Freddy Frollo."

"Of course."

"Thank you. If possible, make sure the meds are something that don't react to caffeine. He shouldn't sleep right now."

Dean nodded. "I'll also make sure to fetch some food as well. King Ben shouldn't have the pain medicine on an empty stomach."

Mal smiled. "If it's not too much effort, some chicken souvlaki with feta cheese would be perfect."

Sure it wasn't one of the many dishes Mrs. Potts made for his parents, but Ben loved her dad's cooking. Plus his fiancée was Greek—he was going to have plenty of Greek food, thank you!

"It's not a problem my Lady," Dean nodded. "I'll go ahead and get that for his highness."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome my Lady. And congratulations. I know you and King Ben will be quite happy together."

Mal smiled. "I hope so Dean. Once you get the food, take the rest of the night off. I'll be looking after his highness for the night."

Sure she wasn't Ben but Dean shouldn't run himself ragged. Not tonight.

"If...if you're sure my Lady," Dean said, giving her a small bow.

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