It Was You

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Purple's PoV:

How do I feel? Absolutely disgusted that someone, that anyone would do that. Glad that we know who it is now, however.
I never thought it was Orange. Yet I just gathered that most of the crew would have been correct. Well to be honest, I was wrong too, thinking it was Lime, so we all have our faults, right?
Yet none of that matters any more.

"Where's White?" Blue asks, nervousness sneaking into her voice.

"Y-Yeah..." Red murmurs, "That's the point of us being here"

I was definitely not going to lose any time in pointing my accusations. "It's Cyan, she was chasing Red!"

"What?!" Cyan exclaims, "no I never!"

"Actually, she was" my wife piped up. "We were in decontamination when the alarms went off, then they ran past us into the reactor"

"So White is in the reactor?" Blue asks

Red and Cyan simultaneously nod.

Blue sighs before continuing the interrogation. "Red, was Cyan chasing you?"

"Well, I don't know... I was going to the reactor to fix it, so maybe she was just going to help? I don't know - there was just a huge lack of communication"

"No way, it must have been both of them!" I point out, "Yellow and I both saw White go into the reactor, and nobody else entered or left. Therefore, it must have happened when the decontamination doors closed! There's really two imposters!"

"But doesn't that make you suspicious?" Lime asks, "seeing as you were the last ones to see White alive?"

Seriously? Us?

"No" I firmly disagree, "Not us"

"What about Black? He's quite quiet!" Blue points out

Black replies surprisingly calmly, with "just thinking." I guess that suits his character. He's always been quiet, to some extent.

Cyan interrupts. "When Red and I walked in, there was already a body. Right, Red?"

Cyan's and Red's daughters were now each sat on their mother's laps, Cyan's daughter was crying and clearly extremely distressed. She knew what was going to happen.

"Yeah right" Yellow scoffs.

"It's true!" Red exclaims, "What was it that Chocolate said? They use the vents! That's how you didn't see them!"

"Well," I mutter, "what is he? An adult now? No, he's four. Can we trust everything he says? And even if we do, can we trust what the pair of you have said?"

"I'm afraid Purple is correct" Blue agrees.

That's good. Now they're gonna pay.

Scarlet's PoV:

Out of all the meetings I'd silently attended so far, this one was the worst by far. I take another glance at Teal, she was so scared. I don't like seeing her like this, she was the most dependent, there's no way she would be able to cope without her mother. Yeah, and if you thought Chocolate wasn't dealing with his grievance well? You haven't seen anything yet.

Lime seemed pretty nervous, at first I gathered it was due to the murderer, however I soon noticed that Rose and Peach weren't in the room with us. Oh, and Snow of course.

Well, it seemed that they were voting now.
Please don't hurt Teal-

Black's PoV:

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