Chapter 9

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Daisy pasted a fake smile on her face as she handed over the last of the four beers she just pulled and took the cash offered to her.

"Just a few more hours," she muttered to herself.

"How's about ya pour up a round of Jameson shots and include one for yer pretty little self," the guy said, leering slightly at her as he looked her up and down, placing a few more bills down on the bar before starting to pass off the beers to a buddy.

Daisy narrowed her eyes slightly, but kept her smile firmly in place as she quickly poured out the shots and handed them over, though minus one for herself.

"I've got to keep my pretty little head straight, so why don't you take your shots somewhere else?" she replied sweetly as she grabbed the money and quickly rang him up again. "Case you didn't notice, I'm a bit swamped right now."

Swamped was a bit of an understatement. Even though the game had been over for about three hours, they had only gotten busier as the flood of students and townies who had been at the stadium flowed in, everyone wanting to celebrate the win. At this rate, it might take a miracle to get everyone out after last call. Though some places would keep the doors open later on game days just to squeeze out some extra money, Marc always shut down by 2 a.m., often shouting out the age old adage that you didn't have to go home, but you sure as hell couldn't stay here.

And thank God Daisy had opened. Meant that when things finally slowed down enough, she'd be the first off. Of course, then the real work of the night started: making nice with Alpha Psi.

"Come on, darlin'. Just one? For me?" the guy crooned, leaning over the bar.

"Think she said she wasn't interested," Zack said gruffly, suddenly appearing next to him, a scowl on his face. The guy frowned at him and Daisy rolled her eyes.

God, not this again.

While she appreciated Zack stepping in sometimes, it didn't always work out. But thankfully, this time the guy turned and walked away, weaving his way through the crowded bar back to his friends, spilling some of the shots in the process.

"Thanks, but I had that," she said, turning to take an order from someone else.

"You sure?" Zack asked, his eyebrows raised. Daisy shot him a look as she started making up another drink order that had been shouted out at her. He chuckled in response and turned back to his housemates.

The next 30 minutes zipped by in a flurry of drinks. Daisy was a bit grateful. With the night being so busy, she hadn't had much time to dwell on other things. Namely where Tyler and his friends were. She kept checking her phone, but hadn't gotten any texts and wasn't sure if she should text him. He hadn't exactly mentioned when they were planning to come by.

Finally, she stepped out from behind the bar with a tray and a rag to go clean off a few tables. She got a few whistles that she ignored, once again glancing at the clock and wondering just when she would be able to get out of here.

"Daisy, we're - wow."

She spun around quickly, seeing Tyler standing there. He was with Tanner and another football player, all of them garnering a lot of attention as cheers rose around the bar. Well, she supposed they deserved it. They had just whipped San Jose State pretty soundly. Granted it wasn't as though they were any good this season anyway, but a win was a win.

Tyler's eyes traveled down her body, taking in the tight Carleton State Tigers t-shirt she had knotted at the side to show off a slight bit of her midriff (thanks to Maddie) and her Daisy Dukes that she forgot she owned until this morning along with knee socks and her comfortable work sneakers. He had told her to dress to fit in. When his eyes met hers again, there was a faint blush on his cheeks as he looked away and scratched the back of his neck, seemingly embarrassed he was openly checking her out. Normally that sort of thing set Daisy off, but for some reason this time she wasn't all that bothered.

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