You shall know Pain

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Pain: "Attention Everyone"

Everyone: *keeps talking*

Pain: *Frown* " Almighty Push!"

Everyone: *fly all over the place*

Pain: " Now that I got all your atten-

Hidan: "Who the fuck are you?"

Pain: *gots irritated* "Are you just really that stupid to forget your own leader's name"

Hidan: "It's Mother fucking Pain"

Pain: "That's it. You shall know Pain" *Raise his hand directly to hidan ready to kill him*

Hidan: "Pfft.." *holds his laughter*

Pain: "What's so funny?"

Hidan: *Copying Pain's action*
"You shall know.....Hidan"

Pain: *had a confused look*

Deidara: "Oh! I get it,yeah. You shall know Deidara" *raise his hand copying Pain*

Konan: *chuckles* "You shall know Konan"

Kisame: "You shall know Kisame"

Pain: "Stop it"

Everyone: *didn't give a damn*

Sasori: "Bitches, It's like this"
*grabs a puppet arm from a desk his working on*
"You shall know puppet" *and trows it in Pain's Face*

Everyone except for Pain and Sasori: *Gasp!*

5 second later

Hidan: "You mean, You shall know vase!" *Trows a vase in Pain's head and broke* (crash!)

Akatsuki: *GASP!*

Just 5 seconds of quietness and a riot appears

Deidara:"All shall know explosion,yeah" *trows a bomb*

Kakuzu: "Watch it your ganna wreck the hideout"

Konan: "Who cares" *grabs all the plates from the kitchen and trows it everywhere like a shuriken* "All shall know plates" (Crash!)

Zetsu: *appears in konan's left*
"Give me some plates konan"

Konan: *looks at zetsu and smile sweetly* "Oh sure, here you go"
*gives a plate but before Zetsu can grab it, Konan slam it to Zetsu's head* (Crash)

Zetsu: "Ouch, I'm going to kill you"

Konan: "Bwa haha"

Itachi: "All shall know glass bottles" *activates his sharingan*

Kisame: *pops out his head from were his hiding*

Itachi: *looks quickly at Kisame and trows him a glass bottle in his head* (CRASH!)

Kisame: "OUCH!, Itachi that's ganna leave a scar" *hides back*

Deidara:*pops out his head but then Itachi quickly trows him a bottle then it crash in his face*
"Son of bitch"

Itachi: "Come on show yourselves!" *his sharingan is overwhelming*

Zetsu: "All shall know KNIVES"

*Gets many knives and trows it everywhere* (shing!!)

The other Akatsuki's hide in some random places

Others in a flip table, behind a couch, in the counterside, behind a wall and some are like 'were the fuck should I hide'

Hidan: "I'm hit!, I'm hit! Oh yeah I'm Immortal"

Kakuzu: "Idiot" *Gets in the middle of the warzone and holds a bucket*

"All...shall know...PISS!!"

*splash it everywhere* (WOSH!) (SPLASH!)

Akatsuki: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Meanwhile in Pain's office

Pain was sobing in the flour of the corner of the room thinking how he was a bad leader and Tobi is just encouraging him

Tobi: "Pain is a good leader"

-- in the other room

(BOOM!) (More screaming)

(CRASH!) (More riots)



Tobi: "Tobi takes that back
Pain is a terrible leader"

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