6. two can play that game

Start from the beginning

"You're right, I don't know anything about love, that's because I don't care. Love is pointless, you get your heartbroken so what? Your fault for falling in love" he states huffing. "You're a dick you know that" Aurora says through gritted teeth. "Maybe I am, but I don't care what you think of me. Think whatever you want. I don't care. Thanks for the story Rora, real nice. You enjoy crying, I'm gonna be in the other room" he says standing up and walking away leaving Aurora crying, the thing she didn't want to do in front of him.

It showed that she was weak, vulnerable, and capable of feelings. She had a breaking point, he didn't. She could say all these insults to him and he wouldn't even care. He doesn't care what she thinks about him, but oh she cares so much about what he thinks about her. Even though it may not matter, it does matter. She is seen as a weak person, easy to manipulate, she's vulnerable. He's the exact opposite. He is strong, not easy manipulated, not vulnerable. He knows something that can be used against her, and she knows little to nothing about him. All that he wants his revenge on his coven when he gets out, that's all Aurora could use against him.

But if she used it against him, who knew what he'd do. He has the power in this prison world, she's living in his world. He holds everything above her, he was something he can use against her to get her to obey. He's stronger than her and can force her to help. He has no attachments to anything. He has no weak points. Aurora knew that if she were to ever win an argument against him and come out as the more powerful person then she had to hit him where it hurts close to home. She had to fight back dirty. Play the game he plays. "Two can play that game" she says to herself.


Aurora felt someone shaking her waking her up from her sleep, she looked up and saw Kai standing above her. "What do you want?" she mumbled sitting up. "What I want is for you to get up because we're gonna have some fun" he says, Aurora lifts up the wrist that is cuffed to the couch, "I can't" she says, "And fun with you? Yeah no" Kai smirks, "You have no choice Rora" he says unlocking the cuffs, she grabs her wrist and rubs it ignoring the throbbing pain in it. Aurora rolls, "Whatever, what are we doing?" she questioned looking away from him.

"We are making a bet" he remarks smirking, Aurora chuckles "A bet? On what" she replies, "Fashion. I bet you, I can put a better outfit together than you can, using whatever is in this house" he says, she raises her eyebrows at him, "You fashion? That's funny" she rolls her eyes, "Spent 18 years here, my fashion taste is astounding" he glouts, Aurora crosses her arms, "Yeah well I'm going for a degree in fashion. You stand no chance" she replies confidently. "Then maybe we should add to it. Loser has to cook dinner and the winner gets to choose what the loser has to wear for the rest of the day" he bargains putting his hand out for her to shake, "Deal or no deal Rora?"

"Fine, but the outfit the loser wears has to be appropriate. Nothing disgusting" she says pointing her finger at him, "If you win, you can make me wear whatever, heck you can make me wear nothing. I don't care, I'm not ashamed of myself" he gloats gesturing to himself, "Besides I'm sure you'd love to see all this" Aurora laughs, "In your dreams" she replies rolling her eyes. "So we have a deal?" Kai says smirking, "Game on" she says. "See you back here in 10 minutes" he smirks racing off.

She races upstairs over to Damon's room, hoping he had better fashion sense than Stefan did. She rummages through all his clothes, trying to find something that would beat Kai who was in Stefan's room. She was throwing clothes over her shoulders left and right, just trying to find the perfect outfit. But she doesn't know fashion back then was, she was barely alive then, whereas Kai grew up in this decade, he knows what look for. Usually Aurora would use the internet to google what 1990's fashion was, but the internet wasn't even developed properly yet. So she had to go from all the pictures around the house and The Breakfast Club to put her outfit together.

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