"You can't do anything either. You have no magic either. We're even" Aurora says acting tough. Kai laughs and stands even closer to Aurora which made her back up, her back going against the shelf behind her, Kai put his arm beside her head, trapping her in. "See thing is, I killed my siblings without magic, just did it the easy way. And hey maybe you're right, you can't trust me, because who's to say I won't kill you right here right now" he says his expression turning dark. Aurora stays quiet looking for any sort of escape route. "No Damon or Bonnie to save you. Just you and me" he says leaning in and whispers in her ear, "Alone" his voice lingers.

Aurora was shaking, she didn't want to die here, not now, not when she's so close to leaving this place. Aurora hears laughing and looks at Kai and he backs away from her laughing. "Aw man you should've seen your face, you were so scared" he says pointing at laughing at her. She scoffs and walks away, "Let's just get back to Damon and Bonnie so this stupid spell can happen" she says beginning to leave the isle but his voice catches her off guard.

"Your friends better not have another plan on ditching me and leaving me behind, because plain and simple, if they do, I'll just kill you, easier target." he says never breaking eye contact. "Alright let's go" he says cheerfully grabbing the bag and walking past Aurora, who's still stood there shocked. She really hopes nothing bad happens to him, because if they plan on doing anything, she'll pay the price.


Aurora and Kai walk back to where Bonnie and Damon were. "Looks like we got back just in time" Kai says looking at the hole in the ground where Damon was. They both look at Aurora with worried expressions, she nods that she's okay, she just has no idea how she's gonna tell them not to do anything otherwise Kai will kill her. Damon vamp speeds out the hole and grabs the bag that was on Kai's shoulder and opening it up. "Zima, grunge, every Alex Rodriguez rookie card known to man and a pager, really?" Damon says going through the bag.

"Five-five-five-hi-Kai. No way I'm giving those digits up" Kai explains. Aurora forgets that he grew up in a completely different decade than she did. She wasn't even born yet when Kai got sent away to this prison world, which really makes her feel young. "These were the important supplies?" Damon says looking at Kai and then Aurora for confirming, she shrugs her shoulders. "The future sounds great. All right? I'm super excited about the internet. But 1994 has been my home for most my life. I'd hate to get homesick" he says.

Aurora rolls her eyes, she's found herself doing that a lot in this prison world, especially around Kai. "So let's get down there" Kai says pointing towards the ground. "No" Bonnie speaks up and pushing Damon and Aurora behind her.
"We are not going anywhere until you show me the spell" she says her face having a straight expression. "Okay" Kai says dragging the 'O' and putting his hands in his pockets. He was smiling at the group, literally doing nothing.
Aurora scoffs, "Are we literally not going anywhere?" she says getting fed up.

Bonnie looks down at the ground, "Fine. You don't wanna show me the spell, then you can do it yourself. You want my magic. Take it" she says extending her arm out towards Kai who was smirking at her the whole time. "Uh oh. She's being brave" he taunts. "I'm serious. This was your big threat. If I don't do the spell and let us out of here you'll just take my magic and leave me for dead, and do the spell yourself. So go ahead. Take all of it" Bonnie says narrowing her eyes at him.

Aurora stood beside Damon, both sharing looks, she hoped that inside that head of Bonnie's was a plan, because Kai can and will kill them, and Bonnie's giving him the means to do so. Kai thinks for a second, "Don't mind if I do" he says forcefully putting his hands on Bonnie's side and the familiar red glow embeds from his hands. Bonnie groans as the life is literally being sucked out of her. "Bonnie" Damon says worriedly. "It's okay. He won't kill me" she says looking up at him. "Doesn't look like that from here" Aurora says worried for her friend.

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