•Chapter 12 ~ Back in Black•

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A few weeks later...

Kreese walked into the dojo. Everyone turned toward him. "Jesus Christ." He whispered. "Who's that?" Y/N asked Hawk. "I don't know." He responded. "Mr. Diaz, warm them up." Johnny said. Miguel walked to the front of the room. "Fight position!" He yelled. "Front kick!" He shouted. "Yuh!" Everyone yelled. "Forward strike!" Johnny exclaimed. "Yuh!" They responded. "Side jab!"

"Yuh!" Everyone dabbed. Johnny looked embarrassed at Kreese. "What the heck was that?" He asked. "We were just messing around." Y/N said. "We have 11 and a half months until the next All Valley." Miguel said. "Yea, besides, we already know how to kick *ss!" Hawk said. "Oh, yeah, really, huh? So, you know everything. There's nothing left to learn, huh?" Aisha started laughing. Johnny walked over to her. "What's so funny, Ms. Robinson?" He asked. "I'm sorry, Sensei. You wouldn't understand."

"Try me." He said. "It's a snake-do." Everyone started laughing. "What's a snake-do?" He asked. They put their arms on top of their left arm and made snake noises. "Quiet!" He yelled. "5 A.M tomorrow morning. Corner of Fulton and Raymer. You don't show, you're off the team. Class dismissed." Everyone stood there in shock. Johnny and Kreese walked in the back. Y/N grabbed her things. "Hey...um...can we talk?" Miguel asked her. She sighed. "Can't. Hawk and I are going to the movies." She shoved passed him and walked over to Hawk. They walked outside together. Miguel sighed.


The next morning, the team was helping mix cement. "Don't add to much water. You want the cement to be nice and thick." He explained. "Sensei, why are we mixing cement?" Miguel asked. "No questions." He responded. "Keep stirring!" A horn blew and cement truck pulled in. They kids stood there in confusion and shock.


"You think winning the All Valley gives you the right to goof off?" Johnny asked. "Well, I got news for you. Winning one championshop don't mean squat. A true champion never stops training. You gotta keep moving forward...or else you could get stuck exactly where you are. It's like the cement in this truck." Y/N squeezed Hawk's hand and looked up at him and smiled. He smiled and kissed the top of her head. Miguel put his head down. "That drum doesn't start turning, the cement inside will harden and get stuck. Is that what you want to happen to you?"

"No, Sensei!" Everyone yelled. "Good. Then climb up, get inside and make it spin." Y/N looked up at Hawk. "Sensei, we're sorry for messing around." Aisha said. "We learned our lesson." Hawk said. Johnny pulled down the metal ladder of the truck. "Get in!" He shouted. "Sensei, this seems dangerous. I mean, the fumes alone..." Miguel explained. "Quiet!" Kreese yelled. "This man led you to the mountaintop, and you question him? Look at you." He said, walking over to the students. "Look at all of you. I cant believe this pathetic pack of weaklings competed in the All Valley let alone win. It's an absolute miracle. And who's responsible for that miracle? Johnny Lawrence." Kreese gestured toward Johnny. "The best student in the history of Cobra Kai. My student."

"You were Sensei's sensei?" Hawk asked. "You better believe it, kid. And I tell you I've never trained a tougher student in my whole life. So, if you know what's good for you, you better listen to every word he says." Y/N stepped forward. "I'll do it, Sensei." She said. Hawk walked up behind her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "Me too." Miguel followed the two of them into the truck, a few kids following him.

As Y/N stepped into the truck, she slipped. Hawk grabbed her hand and caught her. Miguel placed a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asked. She shrugged her shoulders making his hand fall off her shoulder. "Stop." She replied. They walked in a line. Johnny peeked through the opening. "Don't just stand there. You wanna get stuck? Move!" He walked back out. Everyone put their hands on the side of the truck and start walking in place. It wasn't moving, put they kept trying. Again, still in place.

Finally, they got it to move. Johnny was telling from the outside, but Y/N didn't hear. She just kept pushing and pushing. It was now going fast. They had done it. They walked out, Hawk grabbed Y/N's hand making sure she didn't fall. They walked over to Johnny and stood in front of him, covered in wet cement. He stayed spraying them with a hose. "You should be proud of yourselves. I know I'm proud. Your parents would be proud, too, if you told them what we did here today, which we won't. You pushed forward like champions. Never stopping. Never being satisfied. Never giving up. And if you keep pushing forward and keep moving forward, you're gonna go to places you never even dreamed of."

The New Student - A Cobra Kai Story [EDITED]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum