Chapter 11

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To be honest I'm not exactly sure how long Jaden had been in Santorini for this time. Two weeks maybe three. Maybe not even that long I really had no reason to keep a track of time. My day's were spent completely oblivious to a normal adult life. Shopping, swimming, tanning, drinking and socialising. As bad as it sounds on most days I didn't even think of Marco let alone thank him for my current life of luxury. To make it sound even worse, especially not when Jaden was around.

On this particular day I had  spend a busy afternoon at one of my favourite bars. Originally I had gone for lunch, but the local wine that I had grown quite a custom to, kept me company. With nothing  else on my agenda I figured I might as well stay and watch the sunset.

I had not seen Jaden since the day before.  I'm not sure what he was up to and didn't really want to hurt my own feelings by asking him. 

Let me go off on a little tangent here and tell you a story.

When I was 16 my boyfriend and I broke up, we were high school sweethearts and together for 3 years. At the time I thought I wanted to be with him forever.

We  grew apart after school. Both on different paths and growing into different people.  As much as I tried to keep us together I felt him slowly pulling away.  The more I try to hold on, the more I lost him.  Eventually he cheated.  To be honest, in hindsight, it was probably just the first-time I happened to find out. 

I've learnt since then, that if their conversation is getting shorter with you, it is definitely getting longer with someone else.

Anyway I was destroyed, obviously.  I really thought it was the end up anything that would ever matter again in my life.  I was so Clueless and  inexperienced.  He was my only ever boyfriend. 

Healing took it's time.  At first I just moped around.  Eventually I had to help my self.  I began to read about men and women, love and heartbreak, Venus and Mars.  Books, articles, blogs.  Anything and everything I could get my hands on.

At first it helped to keep my mind occupied.  Eventually though I found that the knowledge really started to help me move on.

'The human male has a drive to impregnate as many females as possible, to create as many offspring with his genes as possible'
(Ehrlichan and Elchenstein 1992). 

In other words this is a man's basic primal instinct.  Meaning since the dawn of creation men are in built with this being one of their basic everyday needs they have to meet.  Conscious of it or not, they have a desire in them that  originally was installed in order populate the world as we know it today. Simply put Since cavemen time man has haf an uncontrollable need to a sleep with as many women as they can.

I can honestly say learning this was a massive turning point in my life. I would never be the same woman ever again. The truth might suck but it sets you free. I would never break my own heart again by blindly trusting, or making up expectations in my head.

Anyway let's get back to this day.  After a long liquid boozy lunch, and a dizziness in my head everytime I stood. I decided it was time to venture home. I caught a taxi up the hill to my oceanview townhouse.

Everything was a normal upon arrival I left the front porch light on for myself as I do every morning. I stumbled with my keys in the lock. Dropped them once. Then nearly fell trying to pick them up. if anyone was watching it would be quite an embarassing site.

I knew I was drunk, but I really could not get these keys to work. After a while I was starting to get frustrated at myself. When one of my neighbours  called out from her doorway right next to mine. We had always been a friendly in passing but never really spoken.

'Sorry to tell you this' she started in her broken English.
'There were men here today, a company'
I stayed silent in my confusion.
'They change the locks' .

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