A little trouble is about to happen

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3rd person POV (btw I might edit this chapter)

America drove as quickly as possible (while passing through a few red lights at times) to get home. Once he arrived to his home which was inside a forest, he quickly made his way inside, then ran into the backyard to find Texas stuck on a very tall tree, he then heard someone screaming which turned out to be California still on fire running around, and then that's when all of sudden a bucket of water was dumped on to her which extinguished the fire away. It caused California to calm down a bit then fell on the ground and passed out due to exhaustion. "Someone could have done that awhile ago." America thought as he turned to look back at Texas who clinging onto the branch as tight as he possibly could. "Do you think you can jump off the tree for I can catch you?!" America yelled as loud as he could to make sure Texas can hear him. Texas frantically shook his head as a no since he was too scared to jump off or even move at this point. America saw his head shook as a no, he knew he had to do something quickly in order to get him down. Once he thought of an idea he yelled out to Texas that he was going to have to climb up the tree. Texas nodded quite frantically while still clinging onto the tree branch.

America started climbing onto the tree branch by branch, he tried is hardest to not look down since he'd probably get too scared to even move another muscle if he saw how high he was. America isn't really that afraid of heights but if it's really high up and he if he'd look down, he'd freeze. Once he finally got to the branch Texas was on, he grabbed him and started climbing back down, of course this wasn't the first time this has happened it was usually Florida who climbed up trees because the other states will make bets with to see if he can get to the very top tree without stopping.

They say they'll pay him 50 dollars for him to do it, that's why Florida will always agree but once he was very high up in the tree, he'd look down for some reason then will be frozen in fear and won't even move another muscle till America gets climbs up the tree and gets him down. America would always get mad Florida for agreeing to climb the tree and then get scold his other kids too because of the bet they made. But on the bright side America got really good at climbing trees which could be useful in the future, especially if he needed to get away from someone or something. Once America finally was down from the tree, he placed Texas back onto the ground.

"Now..." America was saying to Texas. "Why did you decide to climb the tree?". America looked at Texas waiting for an answer while crossing his arms. "I'm sorry pa, but Florida said if I climbed the tree he'll pay me 100 dollars..."Texas explained while looking down at his feet, guilty for what he had done. America sighed then said "it's alright, just don't climb up any trees again. Ok?" "Ok!" Texas said to America before running off back into his room. America sighed again and went to go see how his kids were doing. He then all of sudden remembered Pensilvania got bit by Florida's alligators and Kentucky who got shot.

He ran inside the house trying to find Pennsylvania first. "Pennsylvania!?" America called out. "I'm over here!" Pennsylvania yelled a little bit to his father which who was just a little more farther around the corner than where America was at. America ran little all the way to where Pennsylvania was at. Pennsylvania was just sitting in a corner looking at America."Oh my goodness, are you ok?!" America yelled a bit in a concerned voice. Pennsylvania just nodded then said "yea I'm ok just a few bites and that's it." He said in a little smile trying to convince his dad that he was ok, America just stared at him with a frown on his face. Pennsylvania smile quickly faded knowing it didn't convince America. "Ok maybe I'm not..." Pennsylvania said as he was looking away from America, which America just smirked at Pennsylvania then said to him "I knew it." Pennsylvania can practically could hear a smirk coming from America while he was talking. America then stopped smirking then walked to his room, looked under his bed, then grabbed the first aid kit. He walked back over to Pennsylvania who was still sitting in the corner, grabbed the bandages and rubbing alcohol to disinfect his wounds.

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