⋆The mental breakdown⋆

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You ran up to your hotel room and locked yourself up in the bathroom. You didn't know what was happening. Even though whatever was going on with Bucky felt like more than friends, you just couldn't admit it.

In this job, you don't get your happy ever after, you were lucky enough to have the avengers.

You didn't need more, you tried to convince yourself.

Before you knew it, you were on the cold floor of your luxurious bathroom, crying like an idiot.


The others told him to give you some space, but you couldn't resist it. He was worried.

So, he went up to your hotel room, only to hear crying from the bathroom.

Panic rushing through him, he brutally tries to open the bathroom door. But of course, it's locked.

"Y/n, please," he begged, "please let me in, I'm worried about you, " Bucky said.

Building up your courage, you open the door, fully prepared to pretend like nothing just happened. But when you see the look that he gives you you just breakdown and fall to your knees.

Bucky, following your example, holds you so tight in his arms, scared that you'll slip away.

And you just stay there, sobbing uncontrollably and letting it all out.

At this point, you hide your feelings so well that you don't even know you have them yourself.


When you finally calm down, god knows how long it's been, you climb out of his embrace, already regretting your decision.

"I'm not really in the mood to hang out with the rest tonight, you can go through. I'll be fine, I swear," Trying to pull off the fakest smile ever. Secretly you wished that he would stay, but you couldn't ask that from him.

"Y/n, I'm not leaving, " he said determined, looking into your soul.

"You wanna watch some Disney movies while eating take-out?" He always knew how to cheer you up.

"Okay, but I really need a shower first, " you said, realizing how big of a mess you probably look like.

"Yeah sure thing, I'll order the take-out, "


Dang it, you forgot your body wash. You desperately search through the hotel bathroom after the little free soap bars but find nothing.

"Uhm, Buck, could you come in here for a moment? " You asked quickly wrapping the nearest towel around your body, cursing yourself for taking a particularly small one.

"Yeah, whatsup- " he trailed off when he saw you in the extremely small towel.

"Uhm, I forgot my body wash, could you hand me yours please?" You said embarrassed.

"Yeah, no problem, " he said, quickly getting out of your way.


You asked to wear one of Bucky's sweatshirts, and he gave them to you without hesitation. He liked seeing you in them.

Right when you were all comfortable in the big comfy hotel bed, you heard someone knockin on the door.

"Don't worry doll, I got it," Bucky said, quickly getting out of the king-size bed.

You blushed when he called you 'doll', it was sweet. But thank god he didn't see it.


"Hey, is everything fine with y/n? We didn't hear anything from you guys. "Stark asked waiting at the door, with all the avengers behind him.

"Yeah, she's fine," Bucky said, trying to get this over with.

"Well anyway, we're all going on to diner, if you want to join us," Pepper said nicely.

"Thanks, but we've decided to stay in tonight. We're both pretty tired so," Bucky said, trying to not make it awkward. "I should get back to y/n, see you tomorrow." He said before shutting the door.

"Well that was rude," Tony said with a tone.

"Yeah they already sound like a married couple, and they're not even dating, " Natasha scoffed.

"Oh, just wait, " Sam said with a smirk.


"Okay, that's it for tonight," Bucky said, shutting down the tv. "You're practically already asleep."

"Goodnight, y/n, " He said, kissing your forehead, going to lay on the floor.

"Oh, would you get in this goddamn bed please, " You said annoyed, not even opening your eyes.

"Y/n I really don't think that's a good idea, " He started saying.

"Oh, come here you big wuss. " You said, "Look, I'll make this pillow wall between us. You happy?"

"Now go to sleep, I'm very tired. Goodnight Bucky. "You said, no room for disagreement.

Not even a few minutes later the pillow wall was destroyed, and you were cuddling, looking like a real married couple.

I guess it's just me and youWhere stories live. Discover now