Chapter 19-笑笑

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This better be worth it, I think to myself, as I walk through the alleyway. I have class tomorrow at 10 am, so I hope I'm home in time to get at least 5 hours of sleep.

Finally, I reach a door and the sign above it says, XiaoXiao. Underneath it, it says, "笑笑", Xiao Xiao.

I open the door and walk inside. Inside, it's dark. 

An abandoned club. Totally not creepy...

"Yuta?", I call out.

The door clicks closed behind me and I gasp. 

"Ugh. Stupid door".

I pull out my phone and turn the flashlight on. I look around and see broken bottles everywhere, furniture scattered on the ground, and a missing person's poster on the ground. A chill goes up my spine and I keep walking. I go up a set of black steps and walk through a red curtain. "VIP" is written on the door behind the curtain. I open the door and step inside. Inside, I see Yuta sitting on a banged-up couch, under dim-lights.

"Hey, kitten. You made it", he says, an unlit cigarette in his mouth. 

"Smoking is bad for you".

He shrugs and throws the cigarette on the floor. I walk closer to him and notice he has a black eye. 

"What happened?!", I say, stepping closer to him once more.

"Some drunk douche decided he wanted to start a fight".

"Why?", I say, sitting down next to him.

He shrugs, "I don't know".

"So...You actually fought him?"

"Yeah, he swung first".

I tsk and cross my legs. 

"So...What'd you wanna tell me?"

"I...Wanted to apologize", he sighs, "for how I reacted at the house the other day. It's just...I'm not good at sharing certain things".

I laugh, "Yeah, I kinda figured that out".

"From now on, I'll try to be more mindful of your feelings", he looks at me and bites his lip, "but, there's one condition".

"Hm?", I say, urging him to continue.

"You can't touch me", he says, looking down.

"What? Why?"

"It's just...Every time you touch me, it makes me want to pin you down and make you mine. Mark you up so everyone knows you're taken".

I blush at the thought. Yuta scoots closer to me and puts his mouth by my ear.

"Be mine. I want to come back from class and see you lying in my bed wearing nothing but my shirt. I want to take you out for dinner. I want you to come to Japan with me and meet my parents. I want to marry you. In 5 years, I wanna come home from work, throw my clothes off and fuck you. I wanna be the only person you think about, Myla. Please...Be mine".

My eyes widen, "wow, Yuta...I...Don't know what to say".

"Don't say anything. If you want the same thing I do, kiss me, right now. If you don't, then walk away. If you walk away, then maybe time will tell us what'll happen next".

"Yuta...That's not fair".

"Life's not fair, kitten", he says, his voice deep and raspy.

I think for a moment about the rest of the guys. 

"Yuta...I like you...But, I don't know what I want. I don't think I can make such a rash decision without talking to the other guys first. And, I'm sorry, but if you can't respect my boundaries and give me time to think, then maybe you don't like me as much as you say you do".

And with that, I leave Yuta alone in the dim lights, absolutely stunned.

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