Chapter 14-I want you to myself

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"Hey...", Johnny says as he walks up to me.

"Hi", I say, putting my phone away.

"So...What did you wanna talk about?", he says, putting his hands in his pockets.

"I wanted to tell you that you can tell people Yuta and I fucked. I really don't mind".

He tsks and looks down.

"Yeah...About that...I was never actually gonna tell anyone".

"Then...Why'd you make me do stuff for you?", I ask, confused.

"I don't know", he shrugs, "you're just really cute. I guess I wanted to spend some time with you".

I look down and smile, "thanks. You're cute too".

"So...Is that all you wanted to meet me for?"

"Umm...I guess...But, hey, does...Yuta ever...Talk about me?"

"Uh...Yeah, sometimes. Recently, he's been complaining about you guys not hanging out".

I bite my lip, "so...He wants to hang out with me?"

"Yeah, I guess", he says, checking his phone that just buzzed.

"Oh shoot", he says, looking over his phone at me, "I gotta go. Yuta and Mark got into a fight".

Was it because of me?

"Can I come with you?", I ask as he turns to leave.

"Sure", he says, looking over his shoulder at me.

I follow him back to the house and we both step inside.

"Dude, it's not that big of a deal!", Mark yells.

"Yes, it is! You know I like her!", Yuta yells back.

"It's not like you guys are dating...", Jaehyun chimes in.

I step into the living room and the three guys look at me.

"Hey, Myla", Ten says.


How does he know my name? I've never even talked to him.

Yuta walks up to me, "let's settle this now".

He looks me dead in the eye, "Myla, who do you want to be with?"

Do you really gotta put me on the spot like this?

"I...I don't know!", I throw my hands up in stress.

All the guys go silent and look uncomfortable. Johnny grabs my hand and pulls me upstairs. 

"Are you okay?", he asks.

"No...", I say, biting my lip.

"Myla?", Jaehyun says quietly, knocking on the door.

"Come in", I say, in distress. 

Jaehyun walks in and then closes the door behind him. He comes up to me and wraps his arms around me. He puts his head on my shoulder and doesn't say anything.

"I'll give you two a minute", Johnny says, leaving the room. 

I sigh and put my arm around Jaehyun.

"Do you want me to choose too?"

He purses his lip and lifts his head up so he can look at me.

"I don't know. I mean, part of me wants you to myself, and part of me understands what's going on in your head, and I don't want you to rack your brain trying to choose someone".

I smile softly and sit down on Johnny's bed. Jaehyun sits down, cross-legged, on the floor in front of me. I bite my lip and let my eyes wander around Johnny's room. It's messier than I thought it would be. 

"Tell me about yourself", I say, finally looking at Jaehyun.

"Well...I'm a journalism major. I wanna be a reporter".

"Why?", I ask, trying not to sound rude.

"I wanna know all the gossip, and be able to voice my opinion about it".

I nod, "reasonable enough. Tell me more".

"My parents are divorced".

"Sorry to hear that", I say, glumly.

"Don't be. They hated each other anyway".

"Got anything less sad to tell me?"

He thinks for a minute, "I wanna travel the world".

"Me too", I say, smiling. 

"Where do you wanna start?", he asks.

"South Korea. In fact...", I say, smiling even wider, "I'm going there for Spring break".

"That's awesome", he says, grinning.

"It is...Except...", I say, my smile fading, "my parents don't know".

"Why's that bad?"

"Well...Because they've never been away from me for more than a month, and they miss me like crazy. And, they're looking forward to me being home for a week during Spring break...But instead of being home, I'll be in Korea, even farther away from them than I am now".

"Oh...", Jaehyun says, grabbing my hands, "it's okay. You'll see them during Summer break. And you can still call and stuff".

"I know", I say, trying to stop frowning. 

"But, you can think about that later...Now, you have to go downstairs and tell Mark and Yuta how you're feeling".

I sigh, "okay".

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