Chapter 11-Secrets on the ferris wheel

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"Lucas~", I moan.

"Shh...You don't want anyone to hear you, right?"

2 hours earlier...

There was one thing I always loved about carnivals. Cotton candy. I loved it because there was always a feeling of nostalgia when you saw cotton candy. You just had to run up to the vendor and get some. I loved sharing cotton candy, especially with Lucas. Once a year, Lucas and I would go to a carnival. And, this year, we're keeping that tradition alive. 

"Let's go to that ride!", Lucas said, excitedly, pointing at a spinning ride.

We both ran up to the ride and stepped on, after getting our wristbands checked. We both got into a seat together and watched the other carnival-goers file in. 

"Are you ready?", Lucas asks me, not once breaking his smile.

"Yep!", I say, feeling the nerves kick in.

The ride kicked on and we started slowly spinning. Quickly, we picked up speed and Lucas cheered. Then, unexpectedly, we started going up and down.

Oh...It's one of these rides...

Lucas grabbed my hand to calm me down and I looked at him. His mouth turned up into a huge smile, his hair flying around, and his warm hand securely holding mine. He noticed me staring and glanced at me. I quickly looked away and blushed. 

We rode many rides. We went in a specific pattern, just like we did in past years. Intense, then soft, intense, then soft. We did this so that we both had fun. Lucas liked intense rides, and I liked...Less intense ones. That's just how it was and it worked out perfectly. 

"This hotdog is really good", Lucas said with his mouth full.

"I bet my corndogs are better", I say, taking a sip of my slushie.

"I'll be the judge of that"

Lucas reaches over the table and snitches one of my corn dogs. He takes a bite of the corndog and then a bite of his hotdog. 

"No...My hotdog is better", he says, handing me the half-eaten corndog. 

I put the rest of the corndog in my mouth and raise an eyebrow at him, "I think you're lying".

"Well, I guess there's no way to find out".

I shrug and wipe my mouth with my napkin. 

After we finish eating, Lucas and I get in line for the Ferris wheel. It's how we always end our carnival trips. Usually, we don't ride the Ferris wheel until 8 pm, but today we're riding it at 5 because Lucas has a lecture at 6:30. 

After some waiting, we finally get to the front of the line and get into the seat. Usually, Lucas sits across from me, but today, he sat next to me.

Lucas's POV...

Today...I wanted to try something with Myla. Finding out she wasn't a virgin and seeing Mark's picture with her on Instagram, sent me over the edge. I've been so jealous the past few days, I don't even know how to describe it. So, I wanna see if I can make her feel good. More than Mark can. 

Once we got about halfway up the Ferris wheel, I rested my hand on her thigh. She didn't say anything so I took it a step further. I leaned in and bit her ear. She turned and looked at me quizzically. 

"Lucas? What are you doing?", she asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"I want you", I whisper in her ear, "I've wanted you for so long".

I slid my hand up her thigh a little.

"Just...Let me do this...Please?", I say, feeling my pants getting tighter from my growing erection. 

She slowly nods and looks at the floor. I get on my knees in front of her and unbutton her jeans. 

Myla's POV...1 minute later...

"Lucas~", I moan.

"Shh...You don't want anyone to hear you, right?", he says, looking up at me.

I bite my lip and try to hold back my moans. He continues harshly licking my hole and rubbing my clit. 

"You taste so sweet, M", he says, against my wet pussy.

Before I realize it, we're already descending back down to the ground. I tug on Lucas's hair and make him get back up. He sits down next to me and licks his lips. I put my pants back on and fix my hair. Lucas pecks my lips.

"Did I make you feel good?", he asks, seductively.

"Yes, of course".

He smirks, "more than Mark?"

I look at him and tilt my head, "what do you mean?"

"Oh come on. I know you fucked him", he says, backing up a little.

"No...I didn't".

"Then...Who?", he asks, confused.

"I...Don't worry about it", I say, not wanting to out Yuta or Jaehyun.

"Don't tell me not to worry about it", he says, frowning.

"I mean, it really isn't any of your business", I say, blankly.

He scoffs, "I'm your best friend. Why isn't it my business?"

I shrug, "I just don't feel like telling you".

"Wait...Was it that night? On your first day here? At the frat house?"

"Maybe", I say, fiddling with my fingers.

He raises his eyebrows, "so it was?"

I nod slowly.

"Was it...Yuta?"

I nod again.

"What? Why? You don't even know him!", he says, angrily.

I don't say anything. When Lucas is mad, it's better to just let him yell. Don't respond, it'll make it worse. He'll calm himself down, eventually.

The ride stops and the staff opens the door. Lucas storms out and I slowly follow him. 

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