Leprechauns Aren't Real?

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A/N Hey, my dudes! I got this idea from the very end of the episode Enemy of my Enemy! I hope you enjoy! And if you're one of those lucky people who believe full-heartedly that leprechauns exist, thiiiiis story may challenge those beliefs and you probably should not read it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just saying!


"Has anyone seen my action-kick unicorn-man...?" A ten-year-old Michelangelo asked, peering under the couch cushions in his attempt to find his lost action figure. Donatello was on the opposite side of the t.v pit, carefully combining a few of this and a few of that together before stringing a couple of faulty wires together to create -low and behold- a new power source for his laboratory!

He beamed at the string of lights with profound pride in his ability to create something so complex, and imagined exactly where he was going to place it in his lab. Then when a moan sounded from the other side of the common area, Donnie glanced up to find Mikey's face smushed against the couch. He was clearly upset about something, but knowing Mikey, it was probably nothing. But Donnie still asked;

"What's wrong, Mikey?"

"I can't find my action-kick unicorn-man! I've looked everywhere!" He emphasized the last word before drawing out a long and unhappy moan while he pillowed his head against his arms.

"What's got his knickers in a knot?" Raph suddenly asked from seemly out of nowhere, and Donatello had to switch his gaze towards the dojo to see where the voice had originated from. And then when he spotted his immediate brother, Donnie pointed at Mikey and said, "he lost one of his action figures."

"Probably lost it in his dirty room."

"I didn't!" Mikey whined, sitting up from his position to toss Raphael a devastated look, "I put my action-kick unicorn-man on my nightstand just last night, and when I went to go get it, like, just barely, it was gone! I looked everywhere! But, but it's nowhere!"

And when Donnie switched his gaze away from Mikey's pity party to look at Raph, he noticed something uncomfortable flicker in Raph's eyes, something Mikey entirely missed. That look meant Raphael did something he wasn't supposed to.

"Uh... have ya checked the ground? Maybe it fell off."


"Did ya check behind yer nightstand?"


"Under yer bed?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! It's gone!"

And when it looked like Raph had run out of wiggle room, he suddenly said something that caught Donnie entirely off guard;

"Then it sounds like the leprechauns took it."

Mikey's face went from devastation to confusion before switching to shock; "leprechauns?"

"Yeah, they're these itty bitty creatures that roam around and steal yer things when you're not lookin'." Raph said as he came closer to the youngest with the utmost serious look he reserved for once in a blue moon occasions. And when the information fell on Mikey's ears, his mouth rounded in an 'o' before he moved closer to Raph and sat down in front of him like it was storytime.

"Have they ever taken your things before...?"

"Oh yes. Those suckers are gonna get it one day."

And even though Donnie really wanted to point out such magical creatures don't and won't ever exist, something struck him as genius and he slowly closed his mouth while he began to contemplate the brilliance of this idea. There were countless times he took one of Mikey's things to do experiments on, or took them apart to see how they worked, or needed a test subject, but it always ended up to be a huge disaster when -if- Mikey found out his things were gone, thus, making the situation a lot worse when the youngest threw a huge, ginormous scene. Of course, Donnie always had to find a way to pay his little brother back when either Leo or Master Splinter found out, but if Donnie could blame Mikey's things disappearing on account of leprechauns... then Mikey would accept this tall-tale, and Donnie would no longer have to pay his little brother back!

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