At least she wanted to.

(Y/n) could care less if Sanemi failed or not but she also had to consider her brother, as much as they tend to fight, she wouldn't want him to fail because of something that happened between her and Sanemi.

"Being a good person sure is hard." She sighed, though she gave in this time she hoped there comes a time in the future where she could refuse to help, where she will refuse to help.

"Alright," she began, looking at her brother with a grin and immediately Hiro felt uneasy about this. "I'm not talking to you 'till this project is over, bye!"

Not even giving her flabbergasted older brother a chance to react, she waved the group comprised of strangers, acquaintances, and her brothers goodbye. She left the room with her bag and texted Giyuu she wouldn't be riding home with them.

Though this wasn't her initial plan, to not be riding home with them, she decided to forget about her brother's dilemma right now and play it by the ear.

She ended up at a mall inside the arcade with tokens in her pocket and tickets in her hands. If she were to guess, she had somewhere around a 1000 tickets; mainly because she won the jackpot of 500 tickets at a ticket chance game.

Soon, she finished up an interactive shooting game, the kind where the player in screen dodges if the player on the outside dodges, managing to score herself the high score, putting whoever named themselves "Beast" below her. Though she didn't get any tickets from this game, and even had to use a lot of coins to revive herself whenever she died, the game itself was fun with her killing all 7 targets though she couldn't quite feel her legs anymore. She probably stood there for a good hour or two, moving around within the limited space.

She sighed, making her way to counter, she already knew she was gonna suffer jelly and sore legs tomorrow. After the employee behind the counter fed all her tickets to the ticket counting machine, he gave her a piece of paper—that looked similar to a used receipt—with a total of 1104 tickets, a bit more than she expected but was nonetheless satisfied with.

She scanned her eyes down across the glass display of the counter, finding things like stickers, candies, stationary, plastic tea sets, wind-up cars, and even magnets down there.

She was interested in the magnets but decided to look in front of her, right at the wall where some of the more pricey prizes stood. It mainly consisted of plushies that were large in size and expensive in tickets.

She eyed some of the plushies that were on the smaller scale, she could buy one of them with her current winnings but she didn't feel like getting them, she wanted one of the bigger plushies. She paused at a large plushy of a black cat with green eyes.

She wanted it.

Simply because it was a cat it, looked like it was extremely fluffy, and a great thing to hug in bed. She looked at the tag and inwardly cried at how she needed nearly septuple the amount of tickets she currently possessed.

In other words, she needed about 7000 tickets to buy the cat.

She sighed, she already used quite a decent amount of her savings here to get 1000, looks like she'll have to start using her tokens wisely if she wanted the cat while saving as much of her saving as she can.


As soon as the girl heard yelling from the area of the arcade she was just at, she knew she had to get out of there.

Based on her experience, a yelling person in this city means a violent person and she didn't want to be strangled again. Once was enough for her, twice will be too much for her, and if it happens for a third time she's asking her parents to move.

Putting the paper containing her winnings in her pocket, she decided to leave the arcade before she had the chance to be involved with whoever was yelling. She cursed her jelly legs which considerably slowed her down.

She pulled out her phone, a large number of notifications flooded her screen and the majority of them were from her brother Hiro, so she naturally ignored them and even muted him until she felt like removing it, which would be when she heard he and Sanemi worked together.

Once she took care of all of his pesky notifications, her eyes widened at the time. She thought she was only there for an hour or two but it was much later than that, she had a few messages from Giyuu telling her to come home or if she needed him to come get her, but they were an hour ago so she probably couldn't ask him to pick her up. She replied to Giyuu, telling him she'd be home soon.

Thankfully her parents were busy people and lived elsewhere due to the location of their workplace, so it was just the three of them living there which meant her parents weren't ever going to find out she got home late. Giyuu wouldn't snitch and Hiro wouldn't snitch either.

When she got home, she gave Giyuu an explanation while pretending Hiro wasn't even there, no matter what he did.

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