Making Omellette | DreamSMP| Eggpire

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-This whole Oneshot doesn't make any sense, it was just something that I thought of when I was bored in class after Foolishs stream where he used his thunder the first time. Please don't expect anything too good. enjoy!-

„You know, followers of the egg" the Shark-totem said while looking directly at all of them. „To be honest, I hoped that my first warning would've been enough of a lesson for you to let me live in peace. But I guess it wasn't. You have messed with-" he got cut off by Ponk who started to laugh hysterically and threw his trident at him to provoke him „Oh no guys! We have messed with the wrong person. What are you gonna do Thor Jr? Hit us with your puny thunder? Huh?" His laugh could be heard throughout foolishs whole summer home again.

Sam who's standing behind foolish began to look worryingly since he knew what his plan would be if everything came down to it.

Foolishs smile grew when he turned around to look at Sam who's eyes widened. „No, no... foolish, you don't have to. YOU SHOULDN'T." The ones on the other side of the conversation just looked at each other with questioning looks on their faces. Foolishs smile became sadder and his voice started shaking a bit "don't worry, I will see you again... some day." Bad was the one to speak again "What are you planning Foolish? There is nothing that you can do, nor that Sam can do. You guys are weak, you don't stand a chance against the egg." Ponks voice was the next to echo through the summer home "He's right, there is nothing that you can do. Even if you tried you wouldn't stand a chance!"

With a serious look on his face the Totem God made them shut up and inside of all the three men the fear slowly bubbled up.

He waved at them while his beautiful golden totem skin slowly darkened and his veins around his heart turned a dark purple, flowing throughout his body. The normally so cheerful smile turned into an emotionless dark grin and his shark parts got covered with a black cloak. "You stupid mortals! I will bring death to the egg. You will wish that you never tried to mess with me in the first place!" The now Totem of Death vanished into black particles, which almost looked like Enderman ones and left behind a group of people, startled to death

POV Foolish:

I teleport infront of the egg and I know what I have to do to end it's terror. The egg notices me and starts to talk "What are you doing here Idiot?" I look at it, and smile mischievously "You know exactly what I'm about to do, and there is nothing that you can do against it." It chuckled a bit "Ok, bring it on. You know nothing and the only way you could kill me, is a way you are too scared to use, I know it." I let my scepter of death appear and take it "Are you sure? I have lived a long fullfilling life, full of sadness, regret and thankfully now, also happiness. To help the people I love I would do anything." I smile a bit, somehow my better side must've come out for a few seconds "It is a little price to pay to make everyone happy again. You probably never thoght that me, the Totem of Death, would say this and help people, but I've changed. Even like this I still remember and do something that the other me would want me to do. It feels kinda strange, but to say the least;You've fucked up"

I feel how the egg is shifting uncomfortable, and I'm happy to be of use to the others. The egg talks again, clearly knowing that it is over "Are  you sure you should do this? You won't be able to see anyone again and the others-" How dare he talk about them "Shut up! don't say anything! It's over and you know it, I feel so stupid for not doing it earlier." I slowly walk towards the egg, hearing how it's trying to make me stop. All the good memorys play on lop inside my head and my cheeks start to feel a little wet. I strike the scepter on the ground and black smoke starts to build up around me. I hear someone calling my name and turn around to see Tubbo and Ranboo run into the large room. I smile at them one last time as the smoke now fully engulfs me and everything turns pitch black.

It's over, thanks guys.

POV Tubbo:

Ranboo and me run into the room. Sam just called us and said to go to the egg as quickly as possible, but I don't know why. Actually, now I know why. Is that... Foolish? I scream his name, as the black smoke gets thicker. Ranboo and me try to get to him, but hes just... smiling at us?

The smoke now has fully engulfed him and slowly reaches to the egg. Ranboo grabs my shoulder and stops me from getting to close. He drags me farther away from the smoke, which now covers the whole egg and hugs me protectively. 




It takes some time, but the smoke slowly vanishes. Is Foolish okay? "Ranboo, do you think hes okay? Is Foolish okay?" He looks at me as the tears in my eyes slowly threaten to escape. With a concerned voice he trys to answer me "I don't know... I have no Idea Tubbo. Maybe hes still inside the smoke. I don't know bee boy... I hope hes okay." 

The smoke around the egg is gone... just like the egg?! The egg is gone! But where is Foolish? I look up to Ranboo whos eyes are just as wide from disbelief as mine must be.

I hear loud voices behind me and turn around.





Why do they all look so sad? Why do all the egg people look so... normal?

"Where is Foolish? Where is he?" Sam asks completely in shock. I try to answer him but nothing comes out, then I hear Ranboo shout "What is going on? Why do they all look so normal? And why did Foolish disappear with black smoke, WITH THE EGG?"

Sam starts sobbing and tries to talk "Hes gone... hes completely gone... SHIT, SHIT, SHIT. HES DEAD. WHY DID HE DO THIS!?" I hear Bbh, Ant and Ponk sobbing aswell and my view gets blurry. Gone? But... why is everyone crying? He only lost... I thought he only lost his first life now...

"What?" I ask silently and hug Ranbo as tight as I can, while I feel his tears on my head.

"He... he destroyed his soul to get rid of the egg..." now said Ponk.


-Hehehe, I tried but I think for my first ever english Oneshot it's kinda OK? What do you guys think?-

Dream SMP and Mcyt onehotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon