Pretty Much King Philza

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Little Info about the story:
-Will is the only blood related son of Phil in this story, but is nothing like Kristin (death)

Everyone is aware of the fact that Phil has lived a long live, but nobody knows just how long he really is alive today. To all Philza was just a man who has lived longer than many on the SMP, but even longer than DreamXD himself?

Philza Minecraft, a man who has the ability to travel worlds. Once he dies fully, he respawns in another. Even for the goddess of death herself, it's not allowed to let one person live again in the same world twice, but she has found a way to let Phil "life" forever. If she makes Phil into a fallen angel, he can travel to another world after he dies.

Everyone thinks he is a bird hybrid since his wings look like the ones of a Crow, but they are wrong. To not raise any suspicion he doesn't correct them once they startet calling him Crowfather. Not many know what or who Phil really is, actually, no one except Kristin,  loving wife.


"Phil, Phil, Phil, I know when you are lying, and I will use this against you" dream says while grinning at me. *I don't know what to do, if dream isn't lying, then this could mean my end in this world and I  don't... I don't want that. I've been travelling between my two years place and the dream SMP for the last canturies... I don't wanna loose this*
Dream has gotten so powerful in his mind games and manipulation, he knows when someone is lying and it doesn't even matter who it is *how does he even do it?*

No more minutes fly by and the green teletubby draws his sword. "Phil?! Where are you?" I hear from the entrance of the cave and my heartbeat drops to the ground. *Tommy? Nonononono. Please don't come here* Dreams grin widens just as Tommy walks into the room, he stops and looks at both of us terrified.

"TOMMY RUN AWAY, NOW!" I screamed at him, hoping he'd listen. He stopped in his tracks just to freeze right infront of the one who took his last canon life. He's terrified. He's shaking. Poor Tommy.

In a blink of an eye Tommy has been taken hostage by dream "Phil, tell me your secret or I will kill him, remember I know when you lie" his evil laugh makes my skin crawl up my back. *What should I do? I can't tell him about Kristin, I can't tell him what I am, I can't tell him that I'm older than XD, I can't, I can't, I can't..." my mind spiraled down into orbit "Phil~ tell me or he dies~"
I snapped out of it when I saw Tommy, and heard him whimpering, just about to panic.

In the middle of this dark room a silent and afraid voice bounced of the rocky walls "Dad, please help me..."

Making up my mind I decided to finally speake up.
"Idc anymore, Tommy, whatever I will say, never feel or think different about me." Tommy's horrorfull and afraid face got mixed with confusion, I mean, what could the secret be that makes THE Philza Minecraft say something like that?
"I'm not a Crow hybrid" I say hoping that this short answer satisfies dream, but of course it doesn't. With a short 'go on' dream wants me to talk more.
"You know what dream, fine. I will tell you everything, but after that your dead." I say looking sternly into my enemies eyes "and I don't care that Techno and you are good with one another."
Dreams grin widens, probably thinking about the sweet victory he think he's gonna have.
"Phil, I don't have to be afraid, it took me some time to accomplish, but I have him." Dream said, just as DreamXD walks out of a dark corner. The oldest of them all doesn't even flinch, he just starts smiling at them both, what surprisingly gave all of the men in the room an uneasy feeling.

" Why are you not afraid!?!" Dream asks him in a loud tone, to what Philza answered Dreams 'question of the day'.

"You know Dream... Someone who is much older than DreamXD doesn't need to be afraid of him." The whole place was silent for a moment, everyone with a look of terror in their eyes.
"You wanna know what I've been hiding? If so then be prepared." I walk over to DreamXD and whisper into his ear and he vanishes in thin air. A loud fearful voice came from the two people in the room "What did you tell him? Why did THE God of this God forsaken place flee, just from you whispering in his ear?!" I slowly made my way over to dream and stop.

"Dream, I'm a person you should much more be afraid of then our little puny God..." I say with a sheepish smile "WHAT!? PUNY? How do you come to the conclusion that calling him Puny would be smart?" "Dream, he's the one that fled, don't you remember?" he doesn't raise his voice anymore, realising that Phil was right. But why?

"I stand above him, I'm no mere Crow-hybrid, I'm a fallen angel, chosen by the goddess of death herself to live an eternal life. If you try to make me an enemy, then I just need to call her and she will be by my side." he let's go of Tommy and stumbles back "Wait, what? Why should she?" I change my appearance, from my all day clothes to the ones Kristin gifted me for our wedding anniversary.

"I'm not even a real fallen angel for that matter, if you take it more serious I would be more of a king, or a God. With our wedding she kinda raised my 'rank' I would say." I forgot that Tommy was there, so when I heard him falling over I turned my back to Dream and ran towards him. Dream tried to flee but I stopped him with a power-wall on the entrance. "What did you do to my son?!" he tries to talk his way out, but only turns into a stuttering mess "Well... Um... You see.. Well.. Hehe" I raise my voice more to force him to say it "I'm not gonna ask twice, Dream!" he tries to stand as far away from me as he can, cowaring in a small corner.
"Well, you see. I didn't know that you were that strong so I kinda..." "yea?" "I kinda poisened him." I look at him, as angry as possible "don't worry, it's only supposed to put him to sleep for a few hours, hes not dead."

"I don't care anymore, your gonna die anyway, so why bother?" this sentence made him run to the farthest corner away from me.
With a swift move of my hand he started levitating, looking like he's beeing choked in the air with someone holding their hands on his throat.
He tried to breath but his lungs stayed empty of air.
A wide smile spread across my face as he was dying, it was like a scene in a horror movie.

After a short while his body fell numb and he was finally dead. I dug a large hole in the cave and put him in it.
His grave finally ready I made my way to Tommy and scooped him up in my arms.


POV. Techno:
*What is Phil doing with that annoying child?* I was very confused, seeing my best friend with a sleeping Tommy in his arms. I mean, who wouldn't?
He went into his house and came out again a short while after, but without Tommy. He walked over to where I was and started talking "Hey mate" I probably looked very confused, and he must've seen it.
"Phil, can you explain what is going on?" he scratched the back of his neck and gestured me to come into his house.
"Well, I killed Dream." he looked at me concerned, but there was something else in, he was afraid? *wait what, how... Why?*
I didn't say anything so he went on "he tried to force me to tell him something that I didn't want to. One thing lead to another and now he's dead and Tommy knows what I've been hiding."

I felt my eyebrows scrunching together *what does he mean? A secret. I don't know which secret he means*
" what secret do you mean?"

" Well..."


Dream SMP and Mcyt onehotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें