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I love Katanna-thats all-

Anne groaned and looked at her dad, "what's the point Dad! We have no point in going!"

"You'll meet new friends!" her dad exclaimed as he helped Anna's mother with dinner.

"It's the same people that go every year!"

"And you know nothing about them because you never talk to anyone," her mom said. All they wanted was for Anna to make some new friends.

"That's because it's stupid! They're all rich and I don't want to hear them flaunting about their wealth and how many horses they have! Especially the Howard's!" Anna exclaimed and her dad set a plate in front of her.

"You're going Anna, whether you want to or not. It's just for a few hours,"

"5 hour drive there, 3 hours there, another 5 hours back. That's not a few hours-"

"Would you just eat-" Anna grabbed her fork and stabbed her broccoli.

"Okay that wasn't necessary-" Anna giggled a little and ate it.

Kat looked at her dad, "do I really have to go this year?" She asked and her mom spoke up before her dad could say anything.

"It's your annual birthday ball! You need some friends Kat, you barley have any,"

"She doesn't have any," Anne said, Anne and Jane were her cousins but they lived with her because their parents had passed. Kat looked at Anne,

"What about Cecelia! You were so happy about her!"

"She wasn't really the best person to be friends with," Jane said and nudged Kat and she looked at Jane. "Food" Jane mouthed and Kat looked at her plate and grabbed her fork.


"Then you definitely need this Katherine,"

"Yes Father,"


"Sorry, Dad," Kat corrected herself and started eating.

timeskip to the day of the ball
"Have you seen my dress Annie?" Anne shook her head, yes Anne had seen her dress, she had taken care of it and got Kat the one she actually wanted. "Father and Mother are gonna kill me," Kat mumbled and Anne sighed and grabbed the dress from her closet and handed it to Kat.

"I got this for you. I knew it was the one you actually wanted," Kat smiled happily. She ran into her room and put it on, oh she loved this dress. It was pink and fluffy at the end, it had lace sleeves and Kat felt beautiful in it (the best part in my opinion-) Kat grabbed her crown and put it on. She only used this when her mom made her, yeah today her mom was making her wear it.

Anne groaned and her brother stopped the music, "we have five minutes before we leave and you don't know any of the dances! I've been teaching you them for a week!"

"I'm not a dancer okay! I suck at this!"

"No you just suck at not doing the girls part. You can do the boys part just fine. Go on practice with Cathy!" Her brother exclaimed and Cathy walked over, Cathy stayed with them from time to time seeing as she lived in Spain with her cousin. Cathy and Anna started to dance and not once did Anna mess up.

"....what the fu-"

"Time to go!" Her dad yelled and they all ran upstairs from the basement and out to the car.

"What are the rules,"

"No singing, no fighting if there's a problem talk it out, we stop everyone hour and a half use the bathroom and get whatever else you need, and most importantly do not distract the driver." Anna said and they all got in the car. Then the 5 hours car ride of hell started.

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