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EEEEEEEEEEE- death week day one first death is Janes-

aramour, leah don't kill me- may be fluff after this we'll see

this was inspired by the ending of Tangled-

Third person cause my writings better in third personnnnn-
Tw: shooting, henrat, dead Jane

Catherine didn't have dreams. She thought they were stupid. Most kids when they were 4 dreamed of being just like their rolemodels. Catherine told everyones dreams weren't going to come true.

That was until she met Jane Seymour. Jane, beautiful beautiful Jane. She always had a small smile on her face and if she didn't someone would find a way to get her to smile. When she walked in a room everyone was so happy to see her and that's what Catherine loved. She loved Jane.

She had so many dreams about kissing Jane, cuddling Jane, holding Jane, and just being with Jane. Jane was her dream, she wanted to be with Jane, that's all she wanted. Now she just had to make her dream come true.

"Catherine! Lina! Helllooooo?" Jane snapped her fingers in front of Catherine's face causing Catherine to look at her. "Are you okay? You've been acting weird lately," Jane says. Jane was always good at telling when something with someone was wrong.

"I-I'm fine! T-totally fine," Catherine said smiling nervously. I AM A G A Y STUTTERING MESS

"That smile and stuttering says otherwise. Now tell me what's wrong, I just want to help you."

"This isn't something that you could really help with," Catherine whispered and drank her coffee. Jane tilted her head, this had never happened before. Jane was always able to help, and though Catherine was lying about Jane being able to help this once Jane couldn't tell she was lying.

"Lina please tell me. I'm sure I could find a way to help you!" Jane said worry laced in her voice.

"you promise you won't tell?" Catherine asked and Jane nodded quickly,

"Yes! I promise! I swear on my cat that I have yet to get!" Catherine giggled a little and fiddled with her hands,

"W-well there's this girl name Ja-" Catherine stopped herself "Janet. Yeah! There's this girl names Janet and I-I really like her, it's just that she's straight and I know it wouldn't work out between us. And with Henry, I don't know what to do. It's been keeping me up and night and I haven't really slept well," Jane thought for a second.

"Well, Henry's a lying cheat so he can be out of the picture. And I say go for it, who knows if this Janet girl is even straight! She may like you! If it's bothering you so much then just tell her," Jane says and Catherine takes a deep breath.

"There is no Janet-"

"What?" Jane sets her tea down and stares at Catherine.

"I really like you and I know you're straight and you don't like me and I get it I'm so sorry," Catherine got up but Jane pulled Catherine back and kissed her. Catherine kissed back and she could feel the butterflies rising in her stomach, the blush rising to her face. She finally kissed Jane, her dream, her very first dream was coming true. Her lips were on Janes and Janes were on hers. I can't believe this is happening. Jane pulled away slowly and Catherine nearly screamed out of pure happiness and Jane giggled.

"D-Do you th-think we could g-go o-out some time?"

"Why not go out now?" Jane asks and Catherine nodded and got up quickly.

Then the lights went out, the ring of the doorbell rang and Jane pulled Catherine under the table and Catherine went to ask Jane what was going on and Jane put a hand over her mouth and there was a bang that was followed by a thud. "Oh Lina," A voice called. Henry. Jane pulled Catherine close to her and could feel Catherine's hands shaking so she held them and kissed the back of her head.

"It's okay" Jane whispered quietly and suddenly Catherine was out of her arms and out from under the table with a gun held to her head. Jane got out from under the table,

"What are you doing!"

"W-we're at th-" Henry shot his gun and the poor girl stopped talking. Then the gun was back on Catherine's head,

"Killing her, what else do you think I'm doing? She's cheated on me,"

"You've cheated on her multiple-" bAnG- Jane held her stomach then the lights were on and Henry ran out of the building.

"J-Jane JANE," Catherine yelled as Jane fell to the floor, Catherine caught her and let her down on the floor slowly. "O-oh my god," she whispered and Catherine looked at Janes shirt which had blood on it, "nonono"

"Hey! We called an ambulance!" Someone yelled at Catherine puts Janes head in her lap and stroked her hair, she was loosing a lot of blood way too fast.

"Lina 'm getting tired," Catherine grabbed Janes hand and squeezed it,

"Squeeze back for me. You have to keep your eyes open," Jane squeezed back lightly and Catherine started crying,

"D-don't leave, y-you're my dream. You're all I need," Catherine whispered,

"And you're mine," she heard the sirens and Jane went limp, it was too late.

Yeah that was horrible but it's fine- I didn't cry so there's that

-Turtle budddyyyyyyy🐢🐢🐢

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