CHAPTER 13: Hello Mr Tatum, Goodbye Lisa and Leigh

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

While I was out, I found myself alone just thinking

If I showered up with a plane ticket 

And a shiny diamond ring with your name on it

Would you wanna run away too?

‘Cause all I really want is you


You look so perfect standing ther…..

“How do you know the words to this song?” Leigh asked in shock

“Hey, that’s a good song…. Wait are you telling me you don’t know the song or who 5 Second of Summer is?”

“I have no idea who this 5 Seconds of Summer is and I have never heard this song ever”   

“Leigh, do you know who One Direction is?” Lisa spoke like her sister was from another planet

“Yeah, my little girls love them. They beg to do warms ups to their music. Their music is annoying but catchy. Especially that best song one”

“Oh ‘We danced all night to the best song ever. We knew every line. Now I can't remember’ I love that song”

“Thank goodness I get to hand you back to your mother”

“Ag come on, they good and you know it. They super-hot as well. Let’s just say they yummy” Lisa said to Leigh while she got


Leigh was so shocked that she fall as she got out of the car, luckily no one saw but she would inform Lisa later about her hugging session with the floor. They entered the house just before 5:45.

“Heeeyyy” Alex shouted when he spotted them enter.

“Hello everyone” they greeted in union.

“Sorry we late Lisa has some left eye, right eye problems” Leigh said before anyone asked why they were late.

“Miss Hale, so nice to see you before you leaving. I have a gift from the dancers, Alex and myself.” Jessica said embracing Leigh into a huge hug.

“Call me Leigh, we colleagues now. Tell them all I love it.” Leigh said looking at the group photo of all the dancers.

“Let’s not get emotional just yet, we celebrating remember” Jessica said taking the photo out of the hand

“Yeah, that’s a good idea. Where’s my mother?”

“She’s in the kitchen teaching Alex and Mr Tatum how to make some dessert with cream and cherries”

“Oh, let me go take a look at Mr Tatum for a while. I haven’t seem myself some hotness in a while”

They both laughed and walked towards the kitchen. As Leigh entered she quickly spotted Channing leaning against the fridge. They held a 5 second eye to eye session with instantly changed the vibe in the kitchen. No one knew where the sudden tension came from neither did any of them understand this tension.

“Leigh sweetheart, it’s so nice to see you again. Oh how I missed you baby”

“Hello mum, nice to see you to”

“I love the new hair colour it suits you completely… could you not wear a dress or a skirt Leigh, you wear this jeans pants all the time I’m so sick of it already. Why can’t you be just a bit more feminine like your sister?” 

“Mommy please don’t start now, you know I don’t own stuff like that. It’s a waste of money to wear a piece of material”

“Leigh, one day, I don’t know when but I hope you will open your eyes. Hopefully America will teach you fashion”

“Where’s dad, I’m sure he would love to see me”

Mrs Hale never agreed to Leigh’s clothing choice. The sarcasm was evident in Leigh’s tone as she left the kitchen. The last time she saw her father was the night Lisa moved out of her house, they never spoke to each other that night, so Leigh looked forward to seeing what he has to say tonight. He gave all his energy to Lisa after the accident. When Twinkle Toes opened he never attended the opening and he never saw his daughter dance. He has been to most Lisa’s productions and Leigh never felt a bit of hatred towards her old man, part of her hurt most because of how their relationship changed, but then she remembers the hurt she caused her family and understands his actions towards her. Her parents will be attending the show with Alex and Jessica, this will be the first time her father will see her work. She knew he would be watching a football game in the lounge, the German league normally played on a Friday.

 "Hey dad, how you doing”

“Hi, still hurting, but I’m coping thanks”

Leigh knew this was her time to drop this and walk out to join the others but she was leaving the next day for a while and a lot could happen in 3 months. She was tired of his comments passed at her all the time like she doesn’t feel any guilt for her brother’s death.

“When are you ever going to forgive me for Liam’s death?”

“This is not the time for this Leigh”

“Then when is dad, I’m leaving tomorrow. For 3 years you cut me out of your life for something that I had no control over. Don’t think for one moment that I don’t regret what happened. I have not gone to bed, once not even once without replaying the accident in my head. If time could be turned back I can tell you so many things that I would have done to avoid that accident, but time cannot be turned and it is something we all have to deal with.” Tears ran down her cheeks as she said this, showing how hurt she is by what had happened

“I’m sorry Leigh, I cannot forgive you unless you can bring my Liam back”

His words knocked Leigh’s stomach, heart and soul, she had never felt so much pain at once. She dropped to her knees and cried. She cried hard at what she had to accept. 

He won't goजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें